So, my girlfriend is trying to play Gmod on my Kaveri (APU, 8GB RAM) system like she does on any of my others. When she loads into any map, this happens: However, it seems to be some sort of effect, because if I enable Super DOF, it's fixed: Naturally, I've Googled the crap out of this and found nothing. I have clean installed from a known working, recent and updated backup and still I get the same thing. I even deleted the entire Garry's Mod folder from SteamApps and it still does it. But you know what the best part is? It's only on her account, and only on this PC. If I play through my account, the game works like it should. Also, there is a slight pinkish tint applied to the whole screen as if there is color correction, which doesn't affect anything when changed, and the settings are shared across both of our accounts. I have unsubscribed her from all of her workshop stuff, and looked in the 'q' menu to no avail. I'm not much of an experienced guy on Gmod, so... halp? Something else: Gmod will usually crash my entire Steam on exit. It didn't do it earlier, but it did just now. Might be unrelated, but you never know.
tinker with the graphics settings, try turning off multicore rendering or something, multicore for ANY game can have some rare/weird things happen out of nowhere.
I will try it and report back, but it's unlikely to be a global setting like graphics are since it works fine if I play on my Steam login.
I have adjusted every setting in Gmod with no improvement. The minecraftify feature is not enabled and enabling it doesn't seem to do anything. I tried changing things in Catalyst Control Center to no avail. I validated my installation and it gave the 1 file failed to download and will be reacquired thing, 496KB, to no affect. However, everytime I validate it gives this error, so this is likely a culprit. Also, when loading into the main menu, the screen changes to the pinkish colour after it finishes 'initializing serverside.' The thing that gets me is that MY account has no issue, but hers does. And NOTHING is different as far as I can tell.
We did, but as I think I mentioned, I removed all of them (unsubscribed) and then DELETED them from my computer so they wouldn't hang around.
I uninstalled Steam and all it's games from my PC, and deleted the folder. Reinstalled Steam, and then Gmod from a back up from a working PC's version. Play game on her account, same color thing after initializing serverside and now there is no main menu and the background has a no texture (maybe because I don't have a source game on there, but I have CSS textures in the Gmod folder...). BUT it works on my account without any issues.
I figured it out! Steam Cloud keeps syncing broken files to her Gmod and now all I need to do is delete the steam cloud... Not sure how to do that. I found this but I can't get the sync error to happen and so I'm stuck. Update: Got it! I just opened the config.cfg file in notepad, deleted everything in it and saved it, then deleted remotecache.vdf. This caused the Steam sync conflict dialog to occur and I just uploaded the new, "clean," file. I'm guessing an addon changed something major and Steam saved it. Too bad there's no way to flush a Steam Cloud save.