Interesting Article on Ubernet

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by krakanu, August 20, 2014.

  1. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    Takes awhile to get to the parts mentioning Uber Entertainment, but an interesting read. Here's some tidbits:

    "PlayFab will provide basic technologies and tools that handle customer support, in-game marketing, analytics, tools for live operations, cross-platform player accounts, in-game purchases validated by servers, multiplayer game server hosting, virtual goods management, software build management, data storage, matchmaking, game server automated scaling, leaderboards, friends lists, and push notifications."

    "PlayFab is built with UberNet technology, which was built and operated for three years by Uber Entertainment. That company decided to spin out the technology just as Gwertzman was conceiving PlayFab."

    "Uber Entertainment is also one of PlayFab’s shareholders, and it is a paying customer. PlayFab has spent a lot of time documenting the architecture, and now it is signing up one or two customers a day. Over the past three years, Uber and PlayFab have added 5 million players into a database and processed 138 million e-commerce events. More than 10 million game sessions have been played."
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I forgot about PlayFab... Very cool service. Makes me wish I built a game just so I could use it.

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