inter planetary scouting

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by vorell255, March 21, 2013.

  1. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    First off I'm new, I've been trying to read up on all the posts here. I recently just pre-ordered and now I'm wanting to contribute / discuss how things will work.

    I saw in the screen shot satellites or orbitals of some kind, those seem useful for getting a grasp on what is happening on a particular mass that you are currently on.

    My question is how are we going to be able to probe / get vision on masses that we haven't been to before. It seems that some kind of probe or star scout and a way to counter it would be in order.

    I've heard it stated that a important game mechanic will be the cat and mouse game that occurs once you are no longer on the same mass, and it follows that trying to pin point or figure out where your enemy is will be crucial to this part of the game.

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