Installing C++ 2012 Redist. to a USB?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Tormidal, September 26, 2013.

  1. Tormidal

    Tormidal Active Member

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    Hey guys, I sometimes wind up using computers not my own, and many of these dont have things required by many games(Primarily PA), such as DirectX(Which I have on my USB already), and a C++ Redistributable.

    So, my question is, how can I manually install C++ Redis to my USB from a computer with the same version, or a new version, to my USB. So I can play PA on the go. ;-;

    EDIT: Most computers have .NET installed already, but being able to put it on my USB just in case would be fantastic.
  2. ShasODerpy

    ShasODerpy Member

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    you should be able to get that from Microsoft's website.
    if you have no internet Avaible on these other machines, then i'm guessing you can put the installer on a USB?

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