Installer chrash

Discussion in 'Support!' started by qsdad, August 29, 2014.

  1. qsdad

    qsdad New Member

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    Over and over I get this download error. I have a screenshot but since I'm new I'm not allowed to post it here :-(

    IS this fooling the system? Link: i57DOTtinypicDOTcom/2yowcvoDOTjpg

    Always package 140. What is the next step? Is there an offline file to download or what to do?
  2. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    I've seen this one before. It would be helpful of you to post your DxDiag so that I can diagnose the problem.

    Also, do you have the latest DirectX, Visual C++, and .NET Framework?
  3. qsdad

    qsdad New Member

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    OK so I found the remedy.
    I had the last DirectX and Nvidia drivers. But what solved it was that I rebooted a few times. Then out of the blue it worked. My two cent is that it somehow detected a update that wanted to reboot and therefore did not go on. But it is strange that I could not even download all 145 packages. Why only 139? Makes more sense if it would download all and stopped at install.
    Ok now I can play and help make the game (if possible) better :)

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