So, I'm going to learn stuff about creating an FPS shooter with Unreal Engine on Monday. I was hoping for some help with ideas for it. I'm shooting (pun somewhat intended) for a future-esque shooter similar to Tribes in some way. Probably not going to be very high lethality. I need ideas for really anything, mainly UI, Weapons, Mechanics, and Map stuff, but any real inspiration would help. TL;DR Ideas for futuristic FPS, go.
How about some kind of futuristic blood sport with -- just kidding. I had this fun idea for a "snowball clip" that gets consecutively stronger with every bullet that hits a target, resetting on reload. So in theory having higher DPS than a standard variant but relying on you hitting every shot in order to achieve the damage. This was part of a bigger idea I had a little while after playing Boarderlands for the first time way long ago. The idea was for an FPS dungeon crawler wherein you would fly around in your spaceship raiding research facilities (the dungeons) to find amazing weapons and modifications, though an actual plot escaped me. The "snowball clip" was one such modification you could make to your guns, but it wouldn't be a permanent upgrade. It would be an actual clip that you would have to buy or add onto your clips in your ship, assuming you had the tech to do so. There was also an idea for a "quantum clip" that would alter any weapon it was used in into a cooldown based gun, instead of a bullet based gun. When used in conjunction with another modification the quantum could become optional, tapping "R" twice to switch between normal clips (or whatever modified clips you had) and the quantum. So there's one of my genius ideas. Feel free to use it if you want; I don't really care if you do.
Most likely multiplayer. @infinity That snowball idea intrigues me to no end. @everyone else Not feeling the whole pewpew thing. Lasers are so 2010.
Underwater combat. The world has reached the point where they need to expand and off-planet options still aren't viable. Cities are built beneath the seas using plastic bubbles. You are a soldier outside the safe zone, fighting for some reason. Your suits are heavy enough that they keep you on the ground, but buoyancy exists. Think lowgrav with a jump+hold feature. Lots of weapons don't work underwater as well, so you are limited to the crossbow(it's easier to design one weapon than a bunch). Health is air. The crossbow bolt are designed to tear the suits of your enemies and not kill them outright. In addition to losing a small amount of air, each hit will add a hole to the enemy suit, causing air to leak faster. When you're out of air you have a few seconds before you drown where you can still do damage(or save yourself somehow). Holes can only be repaired at certain points(or not at all), oxygen tanks can be looted off killed enemies. Work with it.
I'm for anything that's not high fantasy, space sci-fi, zombies, modern military, or post apocalyptic. Unless it's a combination of those, like post apocalyptic high fantasy, which sounds amazing. Anyway, cool beans on the underwater idea.
How about a game about a 5 member spec-ops team that has to secretly transfer DNA samples to hidden research centers all over the world? The centers can be anywhere, from Saudi Arabia to the Himalayas to the ocean. One member (can be anyone) has to hold the sample(s) and the others have to protect him from terroritsts/enemy squads/corrupt politicians while getting from point A to point B safely.
Well, first day done. I've learned the basics of actually using UDK. Made a simplistic little map, learning all the features. Tommorow I'm going to get into Milkshape and Maya. No real progress was made.
Well, the camp itself was a letdown that taught me things I could have googled in a day, and we only learned level designing and UDK stuff. Ergo, I'm probably going to teach myself scripting and modeling and then start an actual project.