In my experience in multiplayer games, the shorter the respawn timer, the more likely the games were going to stalemate. I would like to see an increase in respawn times. If not natively, then at least add the option for server admins to alter the respawn timer on their servers.
Respawn timer tweaking is kind of a hard subject to discuss, because no matter how change it, someone will dislike it. From my perspective, the respawn timer is just about right and doesn't really need changing.
I'd like it more if it had a bit better conditions to the spawn length. For example, after every jackbot spawn (5 minutes), respawn duration is increase by a second or something. On top of that, maybe dying when the enemy moneyball has the shields down carries an extra penalty. The first part prevents early pro deaths from turning into an INSTANT CURBSTOMP battle. However, as you level your skills and have the ability to avoid deaths, dying carries a higher penalty. The second part prevents stupid losses because ONE person on the enemy team kept respawning and going straight for the moneyball, keeping the shield down perpetually until someone on the team could juice. It gives teams on the defensive a better chance at recovering.
I know some people would object to an increased respawn timer. That is the way they want it. That is why I suggested having the respawn time as a server variable, so people who want a longer respawn time could have it, without forcing it on those who don't.
Respawn at MOST could use a 1second increase. But I think that the time is fine. What I might suggest though is sort of a cumulative thing, if you respawn and die withing X time it adds a small amount to your next respawn. So if you die, 3seconds respawn, die again in less than 30seconds, 4seconds to respawn, then die again in less than 30seconds, 5seconds to respawn. Perhaps with a cap of around 7seconds. That would be the only way I could imagine it being remotely balanced to increase the spawn timer and give pro killing a great sense of acomplishment while also making dying continuously a bit more of a punishment (this is part of the reason you see so many fail assassins)
This is the best suggestion you could come up with for the game? There are so many better things for uber to be doing right now. If they released the modding toolkit, the community could probably do this in a few hours. New maps New hats Fix the netcode problems causing grapple bugs Look at actual class balance (assault and assassin, mostly)
It's just a small suggestion that could be implemented easyly (and actually needs to be implemented), it needs to be AT LEAST of 10 seconds.
I don't see the point in tinkering around with the respawn timer, especially in the sense that if they get it wrong, they'd end up butchering the balance of the game. I think we're fine as we are. I can't remember the last time one of my games went to overtime. There's a good chance that you guys are just doing it wrong...
This. The games pacing works fine as it is. If you push into the enemy base as a group, you will push through thier team before the respawn and be ready to keep them from establishing adequate defenses. The name of the game is map control. If you control thier base, you control the game. Faster respawn times would make it nearly impossible to assault a base (look at instaspawn tf2 servers for example) and slower times would make it far too easy for a solo player with juice to completely shut down a base and any hope of keeping the money ball up.