In Skill Purchase menu when Game Break begins in Blitz

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by 31stCenturyMatt, December 17, 2010.

  1. 31stCenturyMatt

    31stCenturyMatt New Member

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    If I finish a wave, usually a Jackbot or Bullseye, and I open the Skill Purchase menu, when a "Game Break" begins and the scoreboard come up and the announcer starts talking, the cursor disappears and while the Skill menu is still open I can't click on anything.

    The mouse cursor reappears if I exit and reenter the menu, or if I stay in the menu once the "Game Break" finishes.

    Hope I explained it well. Just thought I'd report what I'd found, thank you.
  2. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Do not like Game Breaks. :p Can't see how much money or hacks I have left. Can you use 1234 to select them still?
  3. 31stCenturyMatt

    31stCenturyMatt New Member

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    Yes I believe the number keys still worked. The mouse just cut out until the break ended. Thanks for the reply.

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