Hello Uberentertainment-Team, i noticed that you done a (sorry for that) horrible job in translating this game into the german language. if you are in need of translators, i'd be honored to help you out.
i feel for yall guys. im not even spanish myself, yet since i live in texas i took 4 years of spanish (up to a literature spanish level), and i notice a whole hellova lot of stuff down here translated poorly as far as true translation and grammar goes. yo tengo hambre = i am hungry. it truely translates to i have hunger, but its just how its said. yo estoy hambre =/= i am hungry. it literally says that, but its not how its said and thus not a good translation.
Yup, German translations in games are usually horrible. If I see a warning on Steam like: I won't buy the game. I can live with a reduced violence version (although I think it's stupid) but I will not put up with a translation ever again. Besides, Mickey Cantor with another voice? NEVER!