First of all, I'd like to say that the music you guys did for PA is fantastic. However, when im sitting at my base just doing building it feels intense for no reason at all, and while admittedly, its pretty great, it doesn't fit the scenery. While its not a huge deal to me, (It just makes the gameplay and music feel sync), it would be great if you could implement a system where the game can detect whether or not your screen is centered around on-going combat, and if so, subtly change the track to fit it. The prime example would be Sins of a Solar Empire. Again, not a huge deal, but it would just make the experience feel more natural, in my opinion.
I am sure they haven't gotten that far yet, and just have music playing linearly as a placeholder. I am sure they will have the ability to bop back and forth between intense and light music by release. Maybe not literally bop back and forth, but transitions of some form.
Music is all early synth works in progress of music we plan on having recorded by an orchestra. All the tracks are just played one after another and not tied to any specific events.