In future DLC, include...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by ChrisMikeRack, August 19, 2010.

  1. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    A team deathmatch mode, with some bigger maps to support it.

    Heck I dont wanna play it, but it will leave the objective based gamepley free for us who understand it!
  2. IsoLaTe

    IsoLaTe New Member

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    yeah and maybe have it like 8vs8 or 12vs12
  3. mjjdj88

    mjjdj88 New Member

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    First off definantly need more maps. theres only 4 and me and my friends only like 2 of them, Grenade and Lazerazor, gives you an idea of how to base the new ones.

    A new game type, Crossfire is the only one people play because Blitz is repetetive. CTF would be a cool idea.

    When your name pops up on the name display at the top right when you get a kill, your name should be the color of your team. So if an Icemen get s a kill his name should be in blue. Not both teams names being in orange. Its confusing and doesnt really make sense.

    The assassin's cloak needs to get improved. If you max out the passive it says you take no fall damage, which you dont. But if you smoke bomb and then cloak in air, a great tactic by the way assassin players, and land you take no fall damage but your cloak flickers acting like you did take fall damage. That should be patched.

    Support should not be able to throw his airstrikes farther than assault can throw his bomb. No racial but, in real life do you think a short fat italian has a better arm than an athletic african american? I think not.

    Finally the gunners mini gun. passive at rank 3 makes a dual mini gun. Really guys? Is that necessary? "Heres a good idea, lets double his fire power." Gunner is way too over powered. He needs to be nerfed to blance out the game. I suggest getting rid of the dual mini gun and just give him increased ammo capacity.That would be fair. But if you really want to keep it than add a rev up time. A mini gun shouldnt be able to shoot in a split second. Those things take time to spool or rev up. It would make it easier to jump the gun on them. Because if a gunner starts shooting at you you have little chance of surviving without suprise. Also why doon't the mini guns bullets drop off like the assualt rifle? A gunner can snipe an assualt from across the map and all the assualt can do is hide behind a wall with his thumb up his crack waiting for the gunner to grow a pair and come at you.

    To the adimns, Directors, Developers, or who ever has the power to make some of these changes please take the time to read through these suggestions thoroughly. i thank you for your time.
  4. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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  5. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    DCtheEE is right. In real life, when bots are coming at you from multiple directions and your buff from bacon has worn off, a short-fat-italian throwing his airstrike would CERTAINLY not equal the distance of an athletic black man. EVEN IF the italian man had his robotic little friend out with a blue beam attached increasing his resistance to SARS.

  6. Luca Bligth

    Luca Bligth New Member

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    LOL this is great :lol:

    I agree that more maps are needed. And maybe more grapple animations? 1-2 new ones per character per weapon?

    How about more Mickey Cantor commentary? He's hilarious but getting old.

    I like the classes but a choice in the armor and/or weapons would be nice. Not color, of course, but I'd like to exchange my Dagger for say... a Sai and upgrade to a polearm (Pike, Spear) or something. No difference in strength but would add some variety. Which at the moment, and as much as I love it, the game is lacking.

    And a 4 team Crossfire would be insane! But that may be wishful thinking.
  7. Mabari

    Mabari New Member

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    A 4 way crossfire would be so epic! they would have to fix the lag issues and make it to where there are more people in the game, but that shouldn't be too difficult, I hope. They would also have to get the host migration better because the host would be migrating every ten minutes when someone left and then it would just disconnect which would just anger people. So 4 way crossfire is a great idea
  8. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Shamelesly copy and pasted from a post I just made elsewhere on the forum, but something Id love to see implemented:

    Ideas for DLC/future releases: How about alowing some creativity on the tags? Through gameplay you unlock icons, text sayings colours backgrounds borders etc, you then have to pay to unlock them for free use and then have a basic aditor that lets you position and resize them to create a unique pro tag. Gives you tons of options for unlockables, longevity to the game and generaly, it would be cool!
  9. Mabari

    Mabari New Member

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    The 4 way crossfire idea was already talked about? because if so that just shows that it is a popular idea
  10. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Do you really want team deathmatch? Do you think TDM would actually work?
  11. Ethan8-bit

    Ethan8-bit New Member

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    I honestly think it's worth a shot. It feels that Team Deathmatch would work with Monday Night Combat, since it's worked with other team-based games.
  12. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    When you bear in mind the enite post:

    I realy see no reason why the mechanics of MNC wouldnt be any good for it.
  13. Trojan

    Trojan New Member

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    I'd like to see better customization options. Like unlocking different armor sets or pieces of armor for each class and really being able to customize how your person looks.
  14. Mabari

    Mabari New Member

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    While TDM would be a good add on for those who just kill, a 4 way crossfire is pretty much an elimination match, with the best team taking out all the others, we could make it to where when you eliminate another teams money ball you get their bot spawn points so that you have more bots coming out, or something along those lines
  15. fatMasticator

    fatMasticator New Member

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    and since ALL games should have more of an objective then kill kill kill... make maps with the turret nodes in the middle, then it becomes TDM/King of the Hill. Whoever controls the middle is the most likely to win.

    or take the moneyball concept farther and have us fight over bot spawners. each team has a moneyball and has to fight for control over bot spawners in order to destroy the enemies moneyball. then you get the attack/defend concept mixed with some modern warfare style domination.
  16. Josephs16

    Josephs16 New Member

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    this sounds a bit far fethced but as someone was saying further up about 4 way games i think we could introduce alot more teams lets say a league and we could create a mode from this. because how i see it in a future sports game is there only gonna be 2 teams?
    more team variety may help with introducing more team based game modes where you are not only thinking about yourself and 1 other team but yourself and 3 other teams and maybe each team would produce a benefit so theres something special about each team (although this means another good few days if not months balancing out for scathis) i dont know how this would work but i think you should put some deep consideration into more of a league mode or just a big stat list saying which team has won the most games over the day if the team you picked allegiance to(i dont know how this system would work but i hope someone else could figure it out) was top that day you get some sort of money bonus.

    at the end of the month if your team wins the most times in the month you get a pro tag with a silver trophy on (bronze for the day)(gold for the year the ultimate achievement :p)

    guys tell me what you think if you like the idea i might start my own thread.

    and nobody say "this will be some god damn hard work for ubernet" because this is why we give them these ideas so they can get workin' again!
  17. Mr Troof

    Mr Troof New Member

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    If TDM were to ever be added to Monday Night Combat, the spawn system would have to be reworked. Without the turrets and bots (Which is what I assume would happen for TDM) It would be extremely easy to spawn camp at the current bases.
  18. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Would TDM work? Requires some closed testing I guess. I know that's a pain in the butt for a small company but you can't argue this sort of thing out at face value, needs to be tested. What would happen to nodes and bots? Well most likely they'd be dropped but then Support's Firebases... with the kill-kill-kill pressure on that's void in Crossfire, these things would either be a flop or the devil incarnate.

    The balance is designed for open paths, if you open it up too much you get the chaos you see in Steel Peel Arena (easily my worst map) where you're always surrounded at any point in time by an Assassin and 2 Gunners. Fantastic.

    Sniper traps? Easily spammable in TDM where the idea of using them in strategic points is eliminated as everyone runs around the map aimlessly. All the weaponry that's designed to help primarily with bot combat becomes almost useless, and all the defensive anti-pro weapons wold become popular such as shotgun on medic, Gunner minigun, etc.

    It's a tricky question to answer. Personally, I like this game without TDM, while the argument that if it was there non-objective players would flock to it is perfectly reasonable, the game would have to drastically change (based on my assumptions here) and the simplicity etc. of what we have now is what makes this game so enjoyable to me.
  19. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    well it seems every class and ability has a counter. So yes there will be classes with things that would be very effective in a TDM enviroment, but as long as your smart and work as a team they *should* all be counterable.

    If anything this would breed a greater deathmatch experience. As instead of effectivly evey man gunning for himself, but with a collective score you get on most games' there would be greater incentive to; go out your way to overheal people, or distract that person you see a assasin trying to sneak up on, or use your air strike to take out a firebase instead of go for a kill etc etc


    on re-reading it sounds like i realy wanna play tdm! hehe bear in mind I personaly dont want to play it! I just want it to lure the k/d self pleasuring folks away from the objective based gameplay
  20. hellkingcqh

    hellkingcqh New Member

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    i wanna see guild/clan and instand of the 2 teams you gave us we can make are own color/pic of sorts from a list of them if you have a full team going into a game but if it is a solo game maybe let it random team name/ pic w/e...

    More of those awesome 4 player adventurers would be great and maybe add more player support to those as well so i can have 6 ppl like a normal group of friends play with me.

    avatar item i would like to see: moneyball,char models, a dagger that turns into a sword.

    Lastly, lvl's unlocking stuff as well as getting all the cheaters that hack leaderboards banned and kicked off leaderboards.


    ps. i dont like playing with ppl from other countries for lag reasons so add something where we can play with ppl only from u.s.a/canada if possible.

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