Uber was holding the list of the finalized unit roster back for so long that it probably will be nothing short of genius. I can understand why it's one of those pieces of information that you have to hold back until it's absolutely perfect. It's probably the most anticipated information in this game, and will probably be the most controversial one, too. This process of game development is so different, because of the strong involvement of the community. It really is the first of it's kind imo. I'm really glad Uber was courageous enough to try it this way, and I think that good will come out of it. But please @Uber, we all know that not everybody will be happy with how the finalized unit roster will turn out to be. Making everyone happy is an impossible task to do and shouldn't be your goal. Your goal should be to do what you think is best. This is your game after all. So whatever the final unit roster will look like, don't be afraid of negative reactions. There will be plenty, but that's only natural. People will go: "But why are my awesome unit ideas not in there?" And your best choice will be to ignore them and continue the awesome work you've already provided thus far. So whatever your choice will turn out to be like, don't worry. We believe in your judgement. And @the community please be kind to Uber when they do release it. That said, I can't wait for them to finally release the list Greetings
I think its a bit much to ask for the full unit roster even now, as much as they would mostly have a fairly good idea about what units will be in the final game its still going so see changes. What I would still like to see in the mean time would be what they currently in the pipe line either units or mechanics ect. Hopefully they will put on another live stream in the next week or two and show off some more stuff.
Do you guys really think that the final unit roaster will be big revelation-like event? I thought they are going to add them gradually.
Well today is their first 'proper' day back after the holidays, from what I can gather. I anticipate meetings and similar direction-confirming things to happen this week and doubt we'll get any concrete answers until then
I don't think that they are holding back a "final unit roster". Software and game development just doesn't work like that. Release early and iterate quickly.
Well, but surely we have to get it someday. And I wasn't asking for them to release it, I just heard that it might be published somewhen this month. Disclaimer: I could be wrong about that.
Wonder how gradual they will release them. If reports of 100 units are correct than it would probably have to be several a week to be released anytime soon. However I'm sure being number 1 at some stage in the steam Christmas sales has helped them out tremendously and only solidifies the release when ready stance they had before Christmas.
I think people have an inflated view of how many units there will be. Depending on how you count it we already have around 80 to 90 known units. I predicte no more than 8 more units will be added to the game before release. In other words we pretty much have the full roster for release. More will be added after release of course. Plus mod units.
Well, I think that 99.9% of the community would be really disappointed if that were the case. Personally, just any kind of information on planned units would make me really happy. We were basically waiting for this kind of information for a long, long time. But like I said, that is something that is usually getting decided when everything else is set in stone. Because it very much depends on the rest of the features.
I think the confusion is people don't count structures. Pa db has 93 units listed of which 13 are not current active in game. But many of them such as the unit cannon and torpedo bomber will be in. If you just exclude the 2 debug units that gives 91 which is close to the mentioned 100 units. But I agree that uber need to clarify.
I believe Uber con structures from watching livestreams and posts. But I could be wrong. Edit: a lot of things should be considered work in progress as well. Edit2: due to Uber's development style most likely don't have a list and fill it in as they go. Edit3: release is just the beginning not an end.