In all seriousness...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by zarakon, March 19, 2011.

  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    This game would be better by an order of magnitude if the sniper just didn't exist
  2. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Or maybe your terrible at the game.
  3. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    I play sniper 1/3 of the time. I'm garbage at the heavies and the sin so it's usually assault, support, or sniper for me.

    When i play against average pub players I rape as a sniper, especially on G3 and AM. I can hold down the right side by myself pretty well as a sniper on G3 and once im on the dome in AM you'll have a hard time getting out of your base or into the dome. I have plenty of 20+/0 KDR rounds with the win. I'm a very aggressive front line sniper, not a base turtle. I'm no Zander or Sigmar, but I do ok.

    That being said, if I play against good players like many of the forum people or just randoms that know what they're doing I'm only about 1/2 as effective or less sometimes. Then sometimes I just get flat out raped.

    All in all, I'm an experienced player capable of holding my own.

    With that in mind...what exactly is your excuse for getting raped by snipers? I like the sniper class, i like fighting against other snipers, and his only overpowered aspect is his ability to take avantage of another player's stupidity. It's like Xeno says...PUNISH!

    On a funny side note, I was playing Spunky last night against CountryDemon and some of his friends. ALL 6 of them picked sniper and they wrecked us. It was embarassing. None of them were that great, but I had scrubs and a complete lack of communication on my team.
  4. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    OP is a troll.

  5. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    I can't hear you over the sound of sniper being my second most killed class.
  6. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Sniper and Assassin I believe are my two most killed classes. They are also two of the classes I believe I die to the most as well.

    They are annoying for sure but with enough practice at least an assassin can be dealt with. (Sniper is a dif story, your skill level has some to do with how well you can handle that sniper, but ultimately its the snipers skill level that determines the fight well before hand.)
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    After playing on 'no Sniper' servers for a few times I have to say that removing them completely would be bad for balance. Everybody would only play heavies, you could no longer play the lighter classes effectively. What MNC really needs is more cover imo.
  8. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    it does need a map with more cover......
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    THAT is what I'm talking about.

    A good sniper wins every matchup, and does it while covering a huge area of the map.

    Dying to them usually feels about the same as dying to a random number generator. It's like they're off playing some minigame that just happens to result in people dying.
  10. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    This is why I can't take you seriously, you have no solid argument to stand behind your statement. This seems to be only from your experience, nor do you do not go into details the long term effects.

    I don't deny a very skilled sniper can put the hurt on the other team, but in my opinion, if he is that godly, he deserves to be able to cause extensive damage to the other team. The sniper class itself is quite balanced, and you cannot nerf skills unless you make the rifle somehow luck based.
  11. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I'm not saying nerf it. My point isn't that they're overpowered (though they probably are).

    I'm saying the game would be more fun with no sniper class at all.
  12. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    you mean the game would be easier for you if you didn't have to deal with snipers, which a lot of people can do quite effectively.

    Maybe your tactics just aren't up to snuff.

    Gunner- mortar the hell out of his area

    Assault- bunny hop towards him, fly over the traps. Put a few rounds in him then level 2 charge him. Or...throw a bomb behind him, he'll start backing off when he sees you and you start spraying him and when he does mash that blue button once he's in the bomb's AoE. There's a way to get out of his traps quickly if you get stuck in one, but I'm not sure if it's an exploit so I won't mention it until someone says it's actually part of the game.

    Assassin- shurikens from a distance or catch him while he's hard scoping. dont approach while cloaked, you'll probably get loldoublegrappled or level 2 grappled and rung out.

    Tank- Rail gun from a distance. Or product grenade at close-mid range and charge him. Dead.

    Support- don't go chasing after snipers. If you happen to catch from by surprise 1 shotgun shell will kill a sniper with no armor, 2-3 will kill one with gold/silver armor. Other than that avoid him and keep your eyes peeled while you hack.

    Sniper- try to avoid constantly sniping eachother from across the map. Take a few shots just to keep him on his toes and let him know that you're not messing around. Catch him while he's hard scoping. Explosive rounds in nearby bots will kill him in 3 good hits. Use you flak if he get's close. Grapple and ring him out if you catch him by surprise. SMG him to get him to back off at close range or try to kite him into a freeze trap.

    And like I said about him being overpowered...he's generally only overpowered in his ability to punish stupidity.
  13. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    With a good sniper on the enemy team, you are simply not allowed to stand still, or you will be punished severely. :lol:

    I've always found the best way to limit a sniper's effectiveness is to provide a form of distraction, usually in the form of an assassin or another sniper. Even if the distraction doesn't kill him, it'll at least provide a much stronger atmosphere of caution for the guy, preventing him from going on a carefree headhunting spree.
  14. Takanasi

    Takanasi New Member

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    Snipers should be redesigned. I'd prefer a RTCW: Enemy Territory sniper design where a headshot brings the enemy to 10% hp and you could then finish them off with a body shot. Insta kill headshots seem a bit silly.

    I've spent quite a bit of time playing a sniper and the problem isn't killing heavies, it's more the fact that it's really hard to shoot someone who's closer than on the opposite side of the map. And the crappy mouse input when zoomed in doesn't help.

    What we need is being able to set the zoom fov and sensitivity yourself and having the mouse input as smooth when zoomed in as it is normally.
  15. jAstro

    jAstro New Member

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    If you take out insta-kill headshots you will be punishing all the players that have actually taken the time to practice getting them.

    1. Punish veterans
    2. Veterans ragequit
    3. ????
    4. MNC loses support
  16. Takanasi

    Takanasi New Member

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    Meme's aside, insta kill headshots simply aren't good game design. Neither are insta kill backstabs for assassins for that matter.

    If you gave snipers a dash instead of the simple grab and make headshots do 90% dmg to most classes, it would benefit the game as a whole. If you can get headshots, you can do headshot + bodyshot just the same. And making a "double-tap" takes more skill than just a single headshot, so snipering would be more challenging.

    Of course, if they can't fix the damn zoom mouse input issue, then by all means keep it as it is.
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Yeah, pretty much this.

    Just find a no-sniper server. There are plenty of servers that cater to the spineless. Did I say that out loud?

    Still, plenty of no-assassin and no-sniper and no-assault and no-any-of-those-3 servers. Want support-heavy only, go for it.
  18. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Hard to do, since the server details box doesn't show the sniper limit
  19. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Seems like a solid justification for removing the sniper.

    Finding a no sin and no sniper server is easy. Most of the server names clearly say "-Sniper" or "-Assassin".

    I tried the former and it was full of gunners. Gunners and tanks everywhere. The latter?... full of snipers.
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    What is it with players constantly trying to fix what is not broken? Does anyone just play games anymore?

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