
Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by cinderstar, December 4, 2013.

  1. cinderstar

    cinderstar New Member

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    There are some things in the game that are small but I think need to be improved, here are some.

    The ability to turn your camera to your own free will
    N does not do it, It only resets you. Way cant wasd or a set of buttons be configurable to move our camera. You will only be able to rotate it not turn into space.

    Units try to ram themselves into walls after getting orders, some walls are not big enough or are glitched together so units get stuck inside them.

    If I think of any more I will post them here.

    Enable water on planets to about 70, there are still many spots of land. Tag Experimental at 70.
    Last edited: December 4, 2013
  2. cmdandy

    cmdandy Active Member

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    In before Brian :D.

    A) This is already a feature, try searching free cam mode, or have a look at Brian's great FAQ section. Alternatively if your lazy just press space bar in game.
    B) unit path finding is a major work in progress (as with many elements in the game) and will improve with time!

    Both these things have been extensively discussed on the forums, so in accordance with the rules please do a search before posting next time!
    Culverin likes this.
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Aww nuts. :p

    Welcome to the forums!

    There is an option to rotate the camera at free will. I just can't remember what it is off the top of my head – I always just tap the align north shortcut. Poke around in the keyboard settings and you should find that.

    Pathfinding still needs lots of work and receives updates every few patches or so. So that'll be fixed.
  4. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    In after Brian :(

    Actually, there is a problem with the camera.
    This might sound confusing....

    Currently, you can't actually rotate the planet on an axis perpendicular to your monitor screen.
    Some programs will use this:
    "on object = pan"
    "outside object = rotate"

    It seems PA makes this rather confusing by doing a pan/rotate together.
    This is why your planet can get flipped/turned/upside-down.

    As for units ramming into walls.
    That's a pathing issue, it's known and there will be improvements over time.
    It's something that will continue to get better.
  5. cinderstar

    cinderstar New Member

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    Yay someone that was agreeing with me on the camera.
    Yes I know its a pathing issue, But I'm here to report that specific one because they get stuck there the most.
  6. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    If you want to report bugs, head on over to the bug tracker.
  7. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    It's not a bug per-se, it's just not an intuitive system.

    The camera controls currently tie 2 separate camera movement controls into the zoom function.
    It makes for an inconsistent control scheme.
  8. cinderstar

    cinderstar New Member

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    Which proves my point. In order to help the camera we need to include some keys or middle mouse button and drag in able to have a much smother turning system then fighting with the zoom.
  9. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Uber is definitely responsive to good fan suggestions/ideas.
    A while back, @tatsujb proposed a true strategic camera, @neutrino saw and acknowledged the proposal.
    And we got to see Uber's implementation in the latest Livestream.
    That alone makes our kickstarter backing worth it.

    I'm really curious if we are going to get more camera refinement.
    The "pan+rorate" control scheme is just so inconsistent.
    It's just really counter-intuitive to rotate the planet on the player on a pan/zoom.

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