Improved methods of communication

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by NeoCyberman, March 12, 2011.

  1. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    This is one issue should be easy to do (I might not know because I can barely remember Javascript) and has plagued the game for a while now.

    As it stands the chatbox is not very noticeable and its hard to relay information that may aid in better teamwork. For one there is not chatbox, or any "box" per say. Not enough attention is drawn to individual lines of text. I propose that names of players are color coded for team colors. The text still remains colored for team messages but names stay team colored regardless.

    We also need indication about who is talking with voice chat. Also, voices take no kind of priority over other noises/jokes.

    While a better voice chat system is good it can still be abused by a traitor that could induce some sort of noise. So the idea I had was a hotkey that could be used to mute voice chat at any time.

    Communication is key and better communication means better playing.
  2. killien

    killien Active Member

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    I'm not sure what happened with UE3, but voicecomms went all the way to the bottom of the hill between UE3 and UE2.5

    This was all in UT2004(UE2.5)
    - voice quality good to very good 90% of the time
    - volume bar to show how loud you were transmitting
    - Names, ModelIcons and volumebar when someone else speaks
    - Option to join all or some of Public, Team, Local and individual comm channels
    - Easy to find Mute options of individuals
    - Multitude of options(trans/recieve volume, channel autojoin, etc)
    - Lowers ingame sounds when someone is speaking

    On the few occasions I go back to a fav server in 2k4, I'm hearing at least half the team using the teamcomm and they come through as clear as if everyone was sitting on Ventrilo/Teamspeak
  3. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    A quick chat menu a la TRIBES would be awesome

  4. x gr1m x reap3r x

    x gr1m x reap3r x New Member

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    how about the voice commands from source games EG. counter strike and TF2?
    example: z+3= go! go! go!
  5. corducken

    corducken Member

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    You'd think a radio headset for the character in-game to communicate with quickchat would be easily justifiable in-universe.

    I do like this idea.

    There'd need to be radio commands for referencing most situations, though. Assignable to 1-9 keys on NUMPAD, perhaps? (Or the key->number system, although the numpad would involve less complicated setup and could use the NUMPAD 0 key)

    1. Generic call to attack
    2. Generic call to defend
    3. Call attention to left lane
    4. Call attention to right lane
    5. Yes/Confirm/Understood
    6. No/Deny/Wut
    7. Call attention to bots
    8. Call attention to annihilator/ejectors
    9. Call attention to juiced/ready-to-juice player
    0. Call support for healing

    Also I think the sound of a support through a radio sound filter would be hilarious. Too bad new voice acting is unlikely. A simple "cchk" radio sound to call attention to the chat box would be fine, too.
  6. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    a button that forces a support to heal you instead of his fully overhealed firebase when your in red health would be the best thing ever
  7. Solipcyst

    Solipcyst New Member

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    Uber has said that they didn't code voice chat in to the game natively. They said it relies on steam voice chat. You can voice chat in steam between friends, for example, without being in a game. I think they were saying it uses that infrastructure like a 3rd party program. Reference: viewtopic.php?p=62720&sid=b10e2c9f2295576c2ac5679c4e1f0e2b#p62720

    They will have to code their own implementation of voice communication before they can improve upon it.
  8. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I see. Creating voice chat that takes priority and a chatbox should be on their list of priorities.

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