I don't expect this to be a feature any time soon, but I was wondering what the technical feasibility of importing maps from SupCom or TA would be? Obviously you've got to deal with the square to sphere conversion, which is going to create some level of distortion in the map. I'm picturing a map editor of some sort that lets you move the square map around the sphere until the distortion is in an area that doesn't matter. Is this doable? If this is possible, another feature that might be nice would be a range of mountains that circles the planet at the back of the map, so that you can only really attack from the same direction as in the original version. Does anyone like this idea, and would it be relatively trivial from a technical standpoint?
I think there would definitely be a decent amount of distortion, and putting mountains around the edges of the map doesn't prevent artillery/aircraft from flying over them. Most maps you start out at opposite ends, but on a sphere those points would be right next to each other. The maps wouldn't really be the same as they were designed with 2-D and square borders in mind. Some relevant reading: http://vterrain.org/Textures/spherical.html More interesting will be the maps that people design with spherical gameplay in mind, IMO.
Honestly, with things like different map formats and such you'd be better off pushing for custom Mapping tools rather than any kind of conversion tool. Mike
I can't see conversions happening But remakes if tools are available could be done. The real question would be can PA engine support flat maps or will mods be required once that is working you could do map remakes and have it playable.
Can't see it happening myself, the way the maps are laid out in a sphere format along with randomized generated landscapes that you dont have full control over would be next to impossible to do that, even with a conversion tool because each planet layout is still only controlled by slider bars which randomly generate things from a 100 different combinations even if you set the bars the same every time.
Have you played Painted Desert on Forged Alliance? It's one of the best maps there is and it's from TA originally.
Ok... Just for poops and giggles, let's assume Uber's engine has the capability to handle a traditional map. So maybe can have square "sheet" planets. We already know the modders are sometimes on drugs, and some us like them that way. Could you imagine battling across a solar system of maps from other games? Planet 1: Core Prime Industrial Area Planet 2: Seton's Clutch Planet 3: Big Game Hunters Planet 4: Fields of Isis Launching asteroids at Setons Clutch. Imagine taking out "rock" with well.... a rock? It's not just about going backwards. It's about doing things for the lols.