Important Balance issue with Steel Peel.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by eternal, February 20, 2011.

  1. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I've been seeing people use this spot more and more often. Its not so bad unless an assassin is doing it since they are nearly impossible to counter unless you have a sniper actively watching for them doing this. They are able to simply stand here and harass your moneyball and cloak/escape whenever they see danger. I don't think it was intentional to be able to stand there safely and harass the moneyball. I can understand using it to kill bots and such but I think that the money ball should be safe from this kind of ranged assault.

    FYI I had to load the map up twice thats why I'm on two dif teams, I have an ATI card and the game crashes if I alt tab so I had to print screen / close game / save image / start up game again.

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  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I haven't yet seen that tactic used before. Interesting.

    Anyway, I think Tank or Gunner be fairly effective at sneaking up behind and laying down a hail of fire (or bullets, lol).
  3. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Not really, if the enemy has control of the top level at all then they aren't gonna be sneaking much. Plus that is a long way to go around for something she can easily return later and start again, you don't even need to smoke jump, just dash off of the raised platform and jump. Pretty sure a gunner/tank can get on there too but the assassin is the worst since she can easily escape the moment there is any danger. Assault is pretty annoying from there but he doesn't have the long range accuracy that the assassins shurikan launcher has.

    I didn't see anyone doing this for a while, and then suddenly I've been seen it in like 4-5 games over the past week.
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Yeah, a gunner can wreak all kinds of havoc from there
  5. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    I thought this was a well-known spot that's par for the course with this map? I see someone do it and/or utilize it myself just about every time I play Steel Peel.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    They are not going to fix that. Pre-Spunky not only could you stand there but there was also a crack in the corner were the wall met where Snipers and Tank could hit the Moneyball without even being seen.

    Back when this issue was raised to Uber they said it was going to get fix. By issue I mean that whole section. So if all they did was fix the "crack" that tells me standing on that wall is fair game.

    Every Pro can get there except for the Support. He jump sucks.

    Lastly any Pro that is standing there are extremely easy to remove. Flak, Prod.Nade, Bomb, etc. Like I said this spot has been known about on the XBox version for months now and I still barely see anyone use it except for the vets.

    Protip: If I am playing Tank or Assault and an enemy tries to come and remove I will just charge towards the front door of their base. If it's save I'll stick around and damage stuff, if not just escape to the center ring. :D
  7. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    you can jump to it as a sniper and really ruin the other snipers day from there.. just use ice traps to buy you time to get to launch pad when you get pushed.. but one assault bomb will end it.
  8. BMSTed

    BMSTed New Member

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    There is way more than that spot that is imbalanced in STEELPEEL. That sentence makes sense I think.
  9. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    Really, Steel Peel is a disaster anyway. I almost never see that map not be a total faceroll one way or the other. Removing the arena ceiling, lower the arena wall to let longshots be worth something, and expanding the size of the map in general would help I think.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    goatax, there's your problem. On all 5 maps longshots are useless. They never hit their target un;less they are stationary. A single Gapshot can do more then 4 longshots.

    Steel Peel is my favorite maps and just requires a different way to play it.
  11. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    The fact that gapshots are better doesn't excuse that longshots are nullified by the map.

    (And my suggestion about the size of the map has nothing to do with longshots.)

    Steel Peel has a lot of problems. You can't handwave them away by saying "longshots suck so who cares"
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I know size and distance had nothing to do with it, well maybe the size of the walls. The devs themselves said the map was designed this way to force players to play a different way then on the other 'open' maps.

    If you want you can go to their page and watch the archives. There is plenty of Q&A.

    What are these "lots of problems" that Steel Peel has?
  13. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    as for that spot there, you can easily hit anyone standing there with your grenade launcher as an assault. There is just enough distance so that you can line it up so they are in the "sweet spot" and all you have to do is spam nades in that direction. remember where you were standing to get that perfect distance and look over to that spot regularly. fire off a few rounds, done.

    Yes people can easily hit you from there but in doing so you already know where you have to stand to hit them 100% of the time.
  14. zerj

    zerj New Member

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    Personally it does seem at least a little odd to me. If the intention of the map is to play a tight quarters indoor map which changes the game, then why is this the map where you can get a direct shot on the the moneyball from the furthest away?

    I don't have an opinion on these two spots or what is 'wrong' with steel peel, but I've seen Steel Peel empty out the server I'm on more than other maps.
  15. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Agreed. Steel peel definitely plays the worst of all the maps. I'd suggest adding more routes from right of spawn to 'open up' the map more. Making left and right side symmetrical would definitely add more flow.
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Ammo Mule actually has a spot with a longer line of sight and it is on both sides of the Moneyball.

    Every map has a location where you can get a line of sight on the Moneyball without being near. All except GrenADEiii.

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