Importance of the other turrets.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Goose, March 26, 2011.

  1. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    The other turrets being anything except for a Rocket turret for obvious reasons. I'm trying to voice my opinions and complaints.

    Shave-Ice: Alright, this is an underused and a severely misunderstood turret. This thing has amazing bulk at level 3 and is capable of taking a lot of hits. It's main purpose is to slow down pros who are trying to get into your base for a Juice rush or just to finish off some turrets or get some random kills. It does its job extremely well and is easily the most efficient turret as it has a 100% success rate unlike Rockets which will miss or stray from an important target at times. Juiced Tanks and Supports simply can't juice rush very effectively because they are most efficient up close to the money ball where they almost will always be grappled before they can reach it. That means that if you defend correctly, there is no way for them to approach without taking out the Shave-Ice. I think Uber should add in the ability to put out fires from allies but that may through it over the top :D.

    LongShots: Let my start off by saying that these things are iffy. They are extremely fragile and every class has the ability to take these out with ease. There are no "safe" place on any map to place these things where they aren't a huge target because of turret nub locations. And I hadn't forgot to mention that they are completely 100% useless on Steel Peel because they hit the top dome and never make it to the other side. In terms of effectiveness, they are fairly good. They can destroy every turret on the field excluding the rockets under the spawn ring and they are pretty cost efficient as well. When upgraded they are a necessary target for the other team. One of my biggest complaints is that Gapshots can completely make Longshots obsolete a lot of the time :| . Also because you don't choose what turrets this thing targets it may end up hitting that level 3 rocket instead of opposing long shots which would mean your long shot would die first.

    Lazers: Never put these things up EVER. Seriously, if I see another one of these under the spawn ring im gonna rage. It seems like putting these things up at any time means you're handicap your team. The cost is by far the cheapest turret which I guess is a good thing but most of the time you are going to have the 150 to make a Rocket instead so making Lazers is nothing more than free money to the other team. Please fix these Uber, I miss the old pre-spunky Xbox lazers :(
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I don't think longshots can shoot other turrets, except for maybe on spunky arena

    Gapshots do that
  3. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    If they don't then I am going to be in a world of surprise. I've had my beliefs that they didn't before but I've seen them do this quite a bit actually. I've been playing since Xbox release so I hope I would know this :O
  4. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    They don't unless hacked.
  5. killien

    killien Active Member

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    No, Longshots will target pretty much everything enemy related(pros, bots, turrets) on any map, even without a Hack
    I've seen it on GrenAde, AmmoMule and LazeRazor
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Maybe it's just really rare for them to target turrets instead of nearer pros and bots.
  7. killien

    killien Active Member

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    No idea what/if the priority list is
    Was goofing around with a friend on AmmoMule and he built 4 lvl3 Longshots. I believe the outer 2 kept targetting turrets and the other 2 bots
  8. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I figured they did, I wouldn't be building them if they didn't rape turrets.
  9. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    I've never seen an unhacked turret attack other turrets
  10. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    In fact I've seen unhacked turrets just stop firing if there's no bots but still turrets around.
  11. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Longshots do have a sight range, if an enemy turret isn't within that range, it won't attack it
  12. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian New Member

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    A few of my own observations....

    A hacking a Shave ice increases it's range, naturally. A level 3 shave ice with level 3 hacking has ungodly range. But I rarely see them hacked, although I suppose this has a lot to do with their placement; since they do not reach through walls it's silly to upgrade one that's in a confined space. Shaved Ice is a major annoyance to Assassins who are trying to kill the bots on your back lines as well.

    Long Shots - If I had a nickel for every time I saw one under a spawn ring or put up on Steel Peel, I'd be able to retire. Seriously people, demonstrate some observational awareness and note these things don't do well with cielings and high walls. And yes, I've gotten turret assists and destructions with these things unhacked.

    Laser Blazers - Like the OP, I have inwardly groaned every time I've seen these things built under a spawn ring. They're fine in a pinch when guarding a blind corner, but even the fully upgraded ones will go down like a 5 dollar hooker under the unslaught of a gunner's mortar. In most cases, I'd rather see a long shot or a shaved ice in the slots I commonly see LB's put down. Hell, I've taken to taunting in front of enemy LB's to drive home the point to the enemy team what a bad idea these things are. Free Juice anybody?
  13. Snipen8r

    Snipen8r New Member

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    Yea generally Laser Blazers are not that useful. Before the price drop on rockets they were just more affordable. Now though it's very easy to have enough to just purchase a rocket. I think LB's can be effective when hacked to 3 and paired with Rocket Turrets. The only thing LB's have over rockets is their rate of fire. I often attack the money ball right in front of rockets and am able to do this really effectively by simply moving back and forth while firing. The rockets will miss about 80% of the time. Can't do that with a laser but knowing that I would probably just take the laser down in the first place :)
  14. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Lv1 Rockit vs Lv3 Lazer

    Cheaper? Rockit
    Faster/easier to build? Rockit
    More damage? Rockit
    Area effect? Rockit
    Harder to kill? Rockit
    Further upgrades available? Rockit
    Doesn't miss? Lazer

    This is the most obvious balance issue in the game.. it's very strange that they haven't done anything about it yet.
  15. Esham

    Esham New Member

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    The only real plus to lazer blazers is how fast they go up.

    But they are still useless.
  16. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    A Lv1 rockit goes up faster than a Lv3 lazer, and requires only one purchase

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