IMORTANT: Support bot spawn exploit.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Raiden, August 15, 2010.

  1. Raiden

    Raiden New Member

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    To the developer team I would like to bring an exploit to your attention. I wont describe exactly how it works, as everyone would just copy it. It involves the support being able to spawn gap shots in huge groups as once you spawn one, you'll get another $100 by the time you can spawn another. This causes a long line of gap shots that is impossible to defend with a team, and if two supports do this simultaneously, there is no chance in winning. I'm sure if you look into it you will see what people are starting to do.
  2. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    I suggest you PM one of the Devs. Or just tell us what the exploit is, so we all begin doing it, and it becomes OBVIOUS to fix... The only way to get things changed is to get things noticed.
  3. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    You just need to hold the right trigger down and they will all be blown away.

    Gap shots are so weak an assassin can kill one with her secondary weapon.
  4. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

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    Pew pew!
  5. Pyrus Invictum

    Pyrus Invictum New Member

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    I too, have run into this problem, and let me tell you, it isn't fun when there's 2 opposing supports doing it.
  6. forrestthewoods

    forrestthewoods Uber Alumni

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    Send me a PM please.
  7. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Wow, this IS Imortant!

    WOOKiEKiLL New Member

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    Aside from this being a technical issue I have run into this problem before, I don't know how it's actually done, but there is a work around if you can communicate with your team. First if you have no assassins have everyone commit suicide in some way and at least 3 but up to everyone become assassins. You will be able to sneak behind the gap shots and take them out before they reach your base. The extra assassins provide support from any enemies trying to stop you before you can eliminate their plan. Within 3 lives you should have wiped out their team, bots, AND turrets and now have a clear path to the moneyball. I know this is a cheap and somewhat noobish strategy, but when you're playing against cheaters you need to be creative and teach them a lesson. This game is too good to be ruined by modders like Modern Warfare and countless other games.
  9. Icy

    Icy New Member

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    I don't see how this is an issue or "cheating" in any way. So they are spawning bots? K... you are suppose to. At times I'll spawn 10 bots in a row as the Assassin, so that's 30 cloaked things running to your base....

    Anyways yeah I've seen the gapshot thing a couple times.... first time I noticed bunch of them being spawned, yeah then my team got owned. After that match now I know to just take them out quickly which usually isn't out of my way as I'll take out bots whenever I see them. I do like infiltrating with my Assassin though also and taking out enemy bot support from behind.

    Bottom line I disagree, this isn't an exploit, it's a strategy, and one that can be foiled easily with Assassins, Snipers, Assault, and Gunners from my experience.
  10. dopefisher

    dopefisher Member

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    I have found a way to "exploit" gapshots, although it works for other bots, just not as well and not with great results. You can "corral" bots, that is push them in whatever direction you want them to go in. This can and will keep your gapshot alive until it just dies on its own, like they do after a certain period of time. So, I can just spawn a gapshot, and just keep it pushed in a corner or wherever, where it can fire its rounds over and over safely.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If you want to spend the match holding a Gapshot in the corner and not help your team be my quest.
  12. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    hurray for reviving a 6 month old topic.
  13. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I'm unaware of any technical glitch regarding Gapshots. I know that there have been times, especially on Spunky, where I can just continuously buy them because I'm making more money than I can spend by owning all the turrets that are just destroying everybody. Seriously, it's my whole endgame strategy.
    Opening: Make a rocket up front and hack it. Get the firebase around somewhere in the middle so it can be relevant, but it's not a big thing for me.
    Midgame: Build a Longshot or ShaveIce in the center, depending on how many Assassins are around. Hack that, my front rocket, and my firebase as I am capable. Level 3 hack is higher priority than level 2 firebase or even level 2 rocket (unless it's taking a lot of fire).
    Endgame: With plenty of turrets giving me good stuff, buy Gapshots eternally. Only step out when I see something I should be able to shotgun or I see the turrets are getting hit (though every once in a while I do have to give them some extra healing just because it wears away naturally). Taunt after every kill so I can really rack it up.

    I do this just by how the game allows me to do it by its own basic mechanics. I wait for the cooldown to end and buy another. There's 2 right there, so they can come out with serious force right away.
  14. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I dont get it. What's the exploit?

    I regularly spawn large groups of gapshot. I usually don't spawn em til I can spawn 3. Between my firebase killing bots, the gapshot killing turrets and players, the 50 every 30, I can spawn em steady til I hit the limit.

    Unless somebody has figured out a way to beat the bot spawn cool down, it just sounds like you're complaining about the support kicking ur ***.
  15. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Someone already posted the exploit - getting them stuck so they stay on your side of the arena. I'd suggest it's easy enough to deal with and harmless enough to not be considered much of an exploit. My only issue with it is on Spunky where the framerate takes such a hit from bot spawns. A bunch of gapshots, a handful of buzzers and someone hits juice = slideshow time.
  16. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    ^^ lol! Slide show! ^^

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