Im surprised people are coming back to play this ..

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by drunken feedle, October 13, 2012.

  1. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    I mean i wasted a good year or two constantly playing this and doing everything possible to keep the game going but its like a bad drug. So good but so bad. Lack of support from uber and throwing everyone from the consoles under the bus. Sure they hear it daily from everyone but theres a future which could have been bright.

    Look at how gotham city followed and almost succeeded. Most of their money was made from the exp boosts rather then the sales of the game. Just means you need a good gimmick to make money.

    This on the other hand is a good game with a lack of update or new appearal.

    No one wants to play on the pc and sit infront of a computer with a mouse.
    People want to sit infront of their tv on the couch and smoke, drink etc and relax and hang out with friends playing over the xbox while enjoying what gaming is all about.

    Pc is for diablo and wow and lol and a mouse and keyboard along with a computer chair and other lame crap.

    This game had the best players, the best teams, the best competition, great rivalries, great forum and alot of balanace.

    I pretty much did what I could to keep people playing it and had fun with most of the people i interected with.

    I removed alot of people and stopped talking to most of my mnc friends and Im sorry for doing so.

    Nothing against anyone but I needed to move to a new game and back to my roots.

    I've been playing borderlands 2 like a bad drug just like borderlands 1. Even tried happy wars and a few other neat games.

    Its just amazing how many great games are out there if you look past this one.
    Alot of other multiplayer games which people forget.. shadow run, team fortress 2, castle crashers.

    I even spent a good time playing breach which was a battlefield clone with alot of cool things.

    Anyhow its cool seeing alot of old people coming back but its a little too late.

    Everyone has moved on or most people...
  2. soopersmurph

    soopersmurph New Member

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    The population of this game is directly proportional to the number of losers actively pubstomping when taken as an average over a given period.

    When pubstompers flood back to the game, the population crashes again, and repeat.

    Same thing on games like Shadowrun, AvP, Halo Wars, exploit use goes down, number of games goes up, everyone loves an epic tour de force, everyone hates wasting time on the wrong side of a pubstomp lobby that is clogging up matchmaking in your area.
  3. Randy Tryhard

    Randy Tryhard New Member

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    ^So, the fact that there was only one real update, along with the fact that the game is over two years old, has nothing to do with it?

    Additionally, the price drop apparently doesn't affect the amount of players.

    You're good at knowing things.
  4. soopersmurph

    soopersmurph New Member

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    Yawn kid, no, it doesn't. Play the game. Is it fun? Then people will play it. When the game becomes less fun, people stop playing. Pubstompers make the game less fun, and drive away new players before they have a chance to fully enjoy the game, when their presence is low, new player presence will be high, get over yourself kid, it's kindergarten logic not something for you to try and correct.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    See this is where I know you are just talking out of your ***. PC gaming is arguably the biggest and most successful gaming platform to date. Also thank that thing called technology because you can in fact play PC games with controllers, hook it up to the biggest and TV of the highest quality and play with you friends and chat with them in groups bigger than 8 or whatever the party size is on XBox.

    It's okay though, feedle, you never had a clue what you were talking about anyways.

    Also there are TONS of games on XBox that don't get more than there one free update and they are still alive, doing well and not a single person whining that the development team abandoned the game because they all know that's just how it is on XBox. Niche games on any platform are only alive as there playerbase is other than that they die out pretty quickly.

    P.S. Breach is hardly a Battlefield clone. Wow they both have building destruction but there gameplay and game mechanics were hardly alike. Also Shadowrun still as well have plenty of people playing it, my brother play it a few days at a time.

    Man was I bored to type all that out. :D
  6. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    If PC is so great, how come they never made a PC 2?

    What abandoned games don't have people complaining? Everyone I've played has players complaining to the devs.
  7. Randy Tryhard

    Randy Tryhard New Member

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    You're just so dumb and full of yourself that it's hilarious. Obviously pubstompers hurt the game. But by your kindergarten logic, we'd all still be playing split screen Goldeneye.
  8. soopersmurph

    soopersmurph New Member

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    If only you could pretend to read and comprehend at the same time, too bad, maybe in 20 years when your parents die and leave you homeless.
  9. Randy Tryhard

    Randy Tryhard New Member

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    So, in your kindergarten logic, an arcade game being out for over two years and having next to no updates doesn't make it any less fun? Even for people that have been playing it since release? They all just left because of pubstomping?

    I'm truly sorry you didn't get to play this game when it came out. It's possible you wouldn't have acted like a constant douche.
  10. soopersmurph

    soopersmurph New Member

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    Guess what kid? BF 1943. Hell, if you want to get downright mean about it, Shadowrun. No one keeps the game, copies of it literally flood the shelves of the local game stores, yet it still retains equal or higher active player numbers than MNC, despite MNC being a more modern and in my opinion more fun game. Insert you whining about shadowrun being a retail release: play the game kid, and then write me an essay about why it's so different from MNC, so I can pat you on the back and wipe my *** with it.

    Again kid: the douche would be the pathetic piece of trash whose only enjoyment is trying to ruin a recreational activity for strangers.
  11. Randy Tryhard

    Randy Tryhard New Member

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    So you ARE saying that everyone left because of pubstomping, right? Definitely nobody got bored, right?
  12. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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  13. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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  14. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    I left because I got bored of pubstomping.

    So there.
  15. soopersmurph

    soopersmurph New Member

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    You can sit there and claim you genuinely enjoy disrupting others for little to no reason, but at the end of the day, if it were true, it would make you an incredibly sad person by your own admission, there's nothing justifiable about lashing out at strangers for "fun", and the more people sit and think about that, the closer they come to admitting that fact to themselves, some it just takes much longer than others.
  16. Randy Tryhard

    Randy Tryhard New Member

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    Who have I disrupted? Keep in mind the fact that you have never played me in a game of MNC.
  17. soopersmurph

    soopersmurph New Member

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    Yawn, try harder kid.
  18. woyldman

    woyldman New Member

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    Who the hell is this soopersomething guy? Is it a troll account or are they just this stupid?
  19. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Gamer score is too high and the account is too old to be just a troll account, although the forum account is probably just an attempt to troll.

    You can read a little bit more about him on his website.

    P.S. - I have no idea what is up with the **** after the quote attempt.
  20. Goldielocks

    Goldielocks Member

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    :? Meanwhile, on the previous page...
    The hypocrisy! :lol:

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