Im new and have some noob questions and hope you can help...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by HOOOFARTED, August 31, 2010.


    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    I never seem to have enough money compared to other players and want to help more by sending bots and upgrading turrets but I am always low on cash flow.
    Can you give me a typical scenario or game for you to see what Im doing wrong?
    Is the money in killing bots? other players?
    Ive looked in this forum for answers but it would be nice to have a vet or two respond so I can have some dialogue with them with some follow up nooblet questions cuz I got lots !!!!!!!
    Thanks if you took the time to help me out.
  2. StrongestMace

    StrongestMace New Member

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    Well to help we need to know what you normally do in a match.
  3. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    The only thing I can suggest is be active. This game rewards you for LOTS of things, and the more you do, the higher profit potential you have.

    Also, find a class that you completely understand. Run with that for a while and you'll start to learn maps and how to work with a team.

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    Well I just started so I run Gunner mostly since I didnt want to hinder the team by using a class I didnt fully know.
    I usually just try to kill pros and clear lanes for bots.
    But I want to help upgrade the home base and never have enough cash and I know this game is more that a deathmatch type of game.

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    I am active but probably in the wrong places lol.
    Whatever im doing doesnt pay as much as other players thats for sure.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    As gunner, use your mortar to destroy bots at medium-long range. It'll be much faster than the minigun. For close range, use the minigun

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    Will do gonna use the mortar more tonight for sure.
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    just make sure that when you use the mortar, you're shooting at things far enough away that it splits into 2 or 3 shots (with the passive skill upgrade)

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    Cools thanks.
  10. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    P.S. As gunner you're slow. Don't push too far forward in a situation where you'll easily get surrounded when you can more effectively stay put and clear house. When someone gets too close instead of relying on Minigun close the gap and use some X/B bashing to dispose of them because Gunner's Slam etc. is quite powerful.

    Oh, and for quick cash gain kill moar botz! Kill them and kill them and kill them and kill them in the middle section until you meet a Pro and then kill them and then kill more botz. You'll rack up enough for everything on Level 2 real quick, Level 3 a bit slower but that's cause it's top level.
  11. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Yeah i can't stress the importance of the Mortar enough. It kills slims in one hit, and that's pretty easy cash. also, when you get the level 2 passive, you can take out enemy turrets like nobody's business, and that gives you $75 a pop!(except for the firebase, that only gives 25. Easier to kill though.) If you are able to push a lane to the point where you can get your mortars into the enemy base, you can easy remove all of their turrets if they aren't paying attention.
  12. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Also try to limit your skills to save money. Level 2/3 is absolutely useless for gunners slam and grapple, while level 3 deploy is actually worse then level 2 deploy (you lose the crit and you get a face plate). All a gunner really needs is level 2 deploy and level 3 passive.

    Not getting those alone saves you $1500.

    Thats alot of spare monehs.

    If you play other classes, try out their skills to see which are worth leveling and which are not. It can end up giving you tons of spare cash for annihiliator, turrets, juice and summons.

    Hell, all a good assassin needs is her passive, nothing else.

    Also kill bots. I cannot stress this enough... crossfire is not won by killing the most enemy pros, this is not a team deathmatch. Crossfire is won by pushing your bots into the enemy base and destroying their moneyball.

    Not to mention one bot wave is easily worth more money then a hero kill. So if you miss 5-7 bot waves to run around chasing someone, you just missed alot of cash.
  13. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Personally I go Passive, Slam when the game starts, then level my passive to level 3, and my deploy to 2, then slam to 3. Slam is, in my opinion, one of the best abilities the gunner has when used right.
  14. RACIN N420N

    RACIN N420N New Member

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    I upgrade my gunner to his dual minigun first, then I get my slam up to lvl 3 (LOVE the slam lol) and then I'll get my deploy to lvl 2, maybe 3 depending on the situation. I never upgrade my grapple, but I may start upping it to lvl 2 so I can get me a few grapple kills for the acheev...

    Like has been said, concentrate on the bots first, but keep a sharp eye out for pros. I like to escort our bots and blast through the enemy bot waves until I'm close enough to the enemy base to start lobbin mortars at their turrets. If I can get up there and destroy 2 or 3 turrets before I get killed, then I feel like I at least helped out my team's chances for advancement for the moment....
  15. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    that's exactly what I do. most people I see in Pub games just run around trying desperately to get a high K/D with the Gunner. And while that's very easy, it isn't helping your team too much. Gunners can push lanes VERY well, and are perfectly capable to handling pros and bots at the same time. But man, you go into an enemy base with a level 3 passive upgrade and a mortar? Total destruction.
  16. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Some good tips for gunners up there. A few class-agnostic notes:

    1) In the early game, taunting after a Pro kill can be worthwhile to get you those early upgrades. Right after a kill press right-dpad, then A (I think... controller muscle memory doesn't talk to the brain... :) But try to only do it when you're in a safe spot.

    2) In the mid-game buying turrets can *sometimes* be a good moneymaker. You only make money if you were the last person to upgrade it, and only when it kills stuff. Usually longshots are your best bet because you can level them fast and they shoot a lot. But don't be that idiot who puts them underneath a bridge, and never build them on Steel Peel.

    3) Try not to die. Your earnings potential is very low while you're looking at the respawn screen. :) Also, killstreaks are good money makers.

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