All new players.. Building these gives other pros juice through taunts/deploys People juice off them and destroy everything. Until the juice feed from these are decreased don't bother building them unless your ready to kill the person feeding off them. Hacking them just makes it worse since the range of them shoots farther.
somebody here obviously had a hard day of playing with randoms. i wish i could beam your message into their minds, i too cant believe when my team builds a base of lvl2 lazorblazors, thinking its better than 1 rokkit turret, right? then i gotta be support and go around the base constantly. needless to say that i upgrade them. at that point i might as well get kills for them.
Sorry but im sick of seeing people accusing others of hacking from juice chaining. Never had a rough time with randoms..
uber, if your not going to fix it, please put a pro-tip saying that lazors feed the enemies juice thru taunting. and i am not trying to rush you uber, i know the update process sucks, sometimes its just easier to make a new game lmao. and im not even really serious, cuz then even more retarded n00bs are going to be trying that every time they see one. they already do 6/10 of the time, with a protip they would all do it.
This topic should be in the PC beta forum. While juicing from LB is somewhat reduced it still weakens your defenses. You have no idea how many LBs I've seen today, some level 1 LBs under the spawn ring... -.-