If I may give my humble opinion...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by ZOoo00OOm, February 10, 2012.

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  1. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    I don't know about you guys, but lately I've been getting sick of MNC.

    I just find it hard to have any fun in this game anymore. It seems like every game I get into I run into either very stupid people who haven't the slightest idea of what they're supposed to be doing or a pubstomping party.

    I especially DESPISE pub assassins. These players won't let anyone have fun. What enjoyment do you find in getting killed again and again just for tapping the ball?

    inb4 "Come play pms, lolz!"

    Having to wait 10 minutes just to start a private match is boring, but bearable. Getting put on the losing team is as expected. Wasting time just to stomp a team as it were a pub match and having players quit the game is unexceptable.

    It's sad that I'd rather play MW3 than a game which I played for nearly two years

    Please understand that this is all.IMO.
  2. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    Ive been playing all the cods as well and its a breath of fresh air to me. Also been playing Gotham city which isnt quite mnc but more like TF2 meets brink/mw/crysis in some ways. Or you could say TF2 with custom classes and mods from MW.

    You can create a stealth sniper assassin, a soldier rocket/sniper, a medic with cloak etc...

    You make the class you want and the other players try to counter you.

    I've had the same problem with castle crashers.. once youve done everything in the game there is nothing more to do except have fun but then the fun gets old and new games come out.
  3. onirankensei

    onirankensei New Member

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    It's been 2 years? :eek: I love this game to death, but lately I have begun to feel the same way. I really wish this game received some support, because it can be a very fun game.
  4. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    You are talking about the first MNC, right?
  5. onirankensei

    onirankensei New Member

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    Monday Night Combat for the XBOX 360.
  6. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Then stop being a little bitch and party up with me more often.

    We can talk about Futanari for hours.
  7. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    I ask this to people like Wei Long (went 2-16 suiciding on the money ball) and a bunch of other people with weaboo names who play Assassin and they never replied

    When they do that I usually just play tank and hunt them down the whole game until they ragequit
  8. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    If you're going to play pub assassin, at least play slayer assassin and say **** the bot lanes. Don't just tryhard. (Unless you're trying to troll people, in which case, TRY YOUR F****** *** OFF!)
  9. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Is Wallace v# Ninja Wallace?

    Played vs him on Spunky last night...went assassin, tried hard, tapped the moneyball. I was a tank, which I am HORRIBLE at, and nobody else in the game was above level 30.

    Why you gotta try hard?

    Try hard assassin is VERY FUN when teams are balanced and there's another assassin pushing against you.

    So I thought to myself "maybe he's just trying to get me to play assassin vs. him so that he can enjoy the sin battle."

    Nope...he left immediately after that game was over.

    Pub sin can be fun if you're not trying hard. Push bots to mid. Juice on pros. Rinse repeat, and after they're scared enough of you, start backgrappling/lunge grappling all over their candy asses.
  10. joker

    joker Active Member

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    That's not ninja wallace. Ninja Wallace still plays under his same gamertag and I think got GCI
  11. buffacumber

    buffacumber Member

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    But slayer assassin is so fun. Only try hard if the other team has a sin going against me on even teams.
  12. wei

    wei New Member

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    I've been hesitant to hop on here - I'm pretty standoffish online and in real life, but I wanted to comment here:

    First off, let me say that I like playing assassin. I like the push, I like the speed, and I like being able to influence the game objectives directly. That's my preference and it's just how I roll. I imagine you guys all have a favorite and/or best class - assassin is mine. I'm not disparaging the other classes or anyone for using them. I find all of them to be fun!

    That said, I like to win at the game. That is fun for me. It also means 2 things:

    1) Sometimes I have to be the assassin even if I feel like playing another class because a TON of assassins out there are new players who think she looks cool and spend the whole match shooting shuriken at the shielded moneyball or letting bots flood the base while they stalk a tank :( When slots get wasted like that, I have to go to my best class to even have a shot at winning, and if there is a good tank on the other team, we're usually boned anyway.

    2) I will probably have to die a few times to keep the ball down - especially on larger maps or if the other team has a couple of you guys on it. I know it's annoying for the opposition (it's not like I've never been on the receiving end of this) but this is the equivalent to bunting. Sometimes a sacrifice bunt is how you win.

    In any case, I don't play with malice or to troll, I play to win because I think that is fun. I'd also like to point out that I swap to another class if I think the teams are lopsided in my favor. The short games are usually the first one I land in because I don't know how things'll go down if I take it easy.

    To AFlyingTaco: Hope I'm not included in the weaboo group - I'm Chinese, that's my name!

    Anyway, I love playing with, and against, you guys. I agree it's more fun when it's a good fight. See you out there.

    ~wei long
  13. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    I still hate you. ;)
  14. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    Fun wrecker
  15. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    He did say "other people" so I think that given you are actually from China you get a pass ;)

    I used to tryhard all the time - there is a transition period when you actually have to figure out how to play your class before you can stop doing that. I don't always try now (sometimes I do if it is a class I am learning) but I find that the best part of screwing around with things (going for melee kills only, tank hugs, gunner grapple kills, etc.) is that people think you suck when you do that. Nothing more funny than being in a pub and getting hate mail because your support went 0-0-30 and trying to explain you were only trying to do some laps around the arena in the hopes that your support would lose some weight and finally be able to make it to the top of the dome on Ammo Mule without help from the opposite team...
  16. wei

    wei New Member

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    All this time it was just the assassin being romantic? The tank is a jerk then.

    See, I get how this is humorous, but I just can't bring myself to troll either team.
  17. wei

    wei New Member

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    Can I just say I have a really hard time choosing between trying to out Assassin you and trying to set you on fire. I never know which will work (pro-tip: neither)
  18. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    @Wei Long

    Since you tap the ball all the time, i was wondering what is your k/d?
  19. wei

    wei New Member

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    Probably not great. I'll look it up when I get home.
  20. choiio

    choiio New Member

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    I wanna see this
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