(At first I'm pretty new to forum) I've searched for correct thread on forum but I couldn't find it. So here's come the question - Is there any place where we can post ideas for units, game changes, etc.? Should it be in modding section or in fan art official thread? Big thanks for answer
There was an official thread for unit ideas in the Backer's Lounge, but that (the entire forum) got locked up recently. You can still view it. It's huge thread with over a 1000 replies, sadly it's read-only now. Same thing for the Sorian AI thread. I have a thread where I keep a list of detail (and details only) for future implementation. I just updated it, though it's still a bit dusty. Link in my signature. For unit balance, there's a separate forum dedicated to that. Other game suggestions should be found here in General Discussion... there's pretty much a thread or ten for everything. Welcome to the forum.
Always good to hear suggestions so start a thread To save you a bit of hassle the following are definite 'no' for the main game as it stands... - shields (deemed would make invasions almost impossible) - unit upgrades (e.g. warcraft armoury style where you give an invisible buff to a unit). Given the scale and amount of units, the devs want to keep it simple- if you have 10 tanks and they have 20 you know their force is stronger. With upgrades this wouldn't be clear. - super units: in sup com 2 super units kinda invalidated using anything else. They wanted to keep pa more about large army's than a few big units.
I know but some customization in game wouldn't hurt anyone I though about this - https://forums.uberent.com/threads/emp-cannon.66780/ So I've done a thread. I think that more they will add into game, more replayable the game will be.
Oh yeah I agree. Also for things like shields, super units and such there are already mods in the works...