Ideas for units

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by teju__, August 24, 2012.

  1. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    Well, the title pretty much says it, what kinds if units would you like to see in the game?
    These should somehow fit the theme of the game and maybe even fit into the not yet existent gameplay, so a giant fire-breathing Robo-dinosaurs are not exactly what i am looking for (just post them regardless).

    So i'll start:

    A stealth bomber
    A mobile factory (one that can't shoot in every direction at once)
    Another mobile factory that can shoot in every direction at once
    And, as i mentioned in pretty much all of my posts in this section, a return of ghettogunships
  2. thygrrr

    thygrrr Member

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    Last edited: August 24, 2012
  3. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    Not the reaction i expected...what did i do wrong :?
  4. lophiaspis

    lophiaspis Member

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    Me neither, it's a good topic.

    -"Metal Gear": They have lasers for close range, and a big railgun that works as artillery but can also be used to launch nukes. You build these nukes individually per unit as you would in a tactical silo, like Scarabs from a Reaver. Essentially a Krogoth, Big Bertha and a nuclear sub rolled into one. The advantage with railgun launched nukes is that they can be stealthed against radar and so are harder to scramble countermeasures for.
    -Nanoswarms: Would be nice with that really captures the sci-fi horror/awesome of nanobots. Maybe they can heal themselves with mass from enemies or ore. Maybe they can even self-replicate by consuming nearby mass and taking some time? This might be better served by a mod though.
    -"Metal Gear Ray": A big humanoid that swims like a mantaray. I just really want an amphibious walker with a tail that dives into the water. Maybe with all the features of the "Metal Gear", (making it essentially an amphibious nuclear sub) maybe not.
  5. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    Edit: Yes that does mean stupid

    Wait...why did it post again now? Ok sorry REALLY stupid
  6. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    It's a good topic.

    Ignore the silly goose.
  7. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    We don't need to insult one another ;)

    Anyway I would love to see a definitive community unit list. If we keep it to the stuff most people agree on that gives us some really good feedback.
  8. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    Oh a dev response :)
    Good to hear that I didn't break some kind of secret rule about making units up before release. Maybe Thygrrr just misunderstood something. (otherwise please explain yourself, i'd really like to learn from my mistakes :p )
  9. thygrrr

    thygrrr Member

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    Sorry! I posted that because the ideas seemed totally like a snarky blow against Supreme Commander 1 and 2.

    Because that actually HAD flame breathing Robo Dinos and Mobile Factories that could shoot in any direction and mobile factories that couldn't. :) and Stealth Bombers.

    So it was either a trolling attempt par excellence, or a little stupid.

    In hindsight, I should have picked a better captioned picture, like 'not sure if trolling or has never played supcom.'.

    Fixed my post. Welcome to the internet.
    Last edited: August 24, 2012
  10. GoogleFrog

    GoogleFrog Active Member

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    A community unit list? Shouldn't things like basic units be... designed?

    But in that case I'll start with this suggestion; a cheap fast unit with a weak weapon and relatively large sight range.
  11. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    Well, i just didn't like the cybranasaurus or whatever it was called, because,
    as i (kind of ;)) said, it didn't really fit into the whole theme of the game for me.
    Giant robots are ok, but half organic godzillabots? WITH A FLAMETHROWER?
    Just my opinion though, if you liked that thing (or supcom2 in general) we can still be friends :)
  12. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    Well... He's obviously not trolling...

    And I don't see how recommending two units from one game, but not the third (because he doesn't believe it fits into the "style"), is considered stupid.

    Get your filthy memes out of here.
  13. thygrrr

    thygrrr Member

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    My point exactly (even though Cybranzilla was fun, it didn't fully fit into the game).

    I see you are actually a gentleman and a scholar, sorry that I made such an *** out of myself.

    Meme removed.
  14. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The problem with a good majority of fan ideas is they they are basically copies of things from from IPs.

    A good example of how you use something else as inspiration is my BlackOps:Unleahsed unit, The Basilisk.

    It clearly used Metal Gear Rex as inspiration, in fact the placeholder name was Metal Gear QAI, but it's not anywhere close to a copy and all of it's design choices are based on it's own mythos and background, partially provided by DotsWarlock in a short story Originally and again when we updated the Basilisk Dots graciously again expanded upon it in his really really good story.

    Be original people!

  15. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    If you're talking purely about the aesthetics, I agree.

    But I don't see anything wrong with adopting interesting mechanics from other games, as long as this game brings something else new to the table.
  16. acey195

    acey195 Member

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    I guess, we should limit this thread to about 5 units per post? to focus only on the best ideas?


    - StratoFighter
    - StratoBomber

    Would be aircraft that could fly both in lower and higher atmosphere, being higher cost to damage and higher cost to health ratios. Bombers would have less accuracy when in higher atmosphere, but are less vulnerable. Fighters could take on satellites when in higher atmosphere.

    These craft would be capable of jumping into orbit of orbiting moons/asteroids or back, either via upgrade or naturally.
  17. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    My five:

    -An amphibious unit that can quickly hop planets without requiring a launcher. Requires land to launch and water to "splashdown"

    -A ground unit that can burrow on one side of the planet, and emerge/erupt on the opposite location.

    -A ground melee unit that can snowball in size and power, based on the amount of kills, scrap collected, and resources invested. After a certain height it can stand on the seafloor and becomes amphibious.

    -An air unit that can submerge under water/gas to cloak.

    -A unit capable of firing a projectile around the entire planet
  18. JWest

    JWest Active Member

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    Love the metalgear-esque model, OrangeKnight. Let me know if you ever need extra modelers or texture artists for future mods, I could always use the practice ;)
  19. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    1. Dust scrambler
    Basically a huge turbine throwing out all kinds of dust, microscopic schrapnell, covering everything beneath blotting out the sun preventing solararrays from producing power, severly limiting radar and even making units unable to comunicate from deep within.
    When theese things are thrown up you just can't know what the enemy is brewing unless you send an expedition deep into the dark mist.

    2. Planetary solar arrays
    Could either be self-replicating or built by engineers. Once a player has control over a whole planet there is nothing stopping them from turning the whole planets surface to a powerplant. It would also be an incentive to bombard the planet continously with asteroids to deny planets from harvesting solar energy.

    3. Lunar microwave facilities
    As asteroids and moons get covered with solar panels theese could allow to transfer the energy back to the planet in form of microwaves absorbed by special recievers on the surface of the planet. By changing the frequency and directing it all 1 place you could also create so called "hotspots" where everything made of metal melts away slowly.
    Last edited: August 25, 2012
  20. majord

    majord New Member

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    This is a bit embarrassing, I posted some unit ideas in another thread, but this one is much more appropriate. I'll try something different.

    • This is a very general idea: following the concept of armor facings, where the heaviest armor faces only one direction in tanks, this would allow flanking maneuvers to be meaningful, because they expose weaker side armor in some units. I was never sure if this was implemented in Supreme Commander.
    • A ground based anti-aircraft unit which carries missiles and rapid fire guns, which can target light ground vehicles, and shoot down missiles and shells with some success.
    • Rapid fire, shell based artillery, which can pull off time-on-target attacks to increase fire power against strong opponents.
    • Mobile rocket artillery with extreme range, very high hitting power, and accuracy, but very vulnerable to anti-air.
    • Tanks which carry heavy and light armaments so they're good against everything. Also capable of aiming somewhat upward with the main gun, so they can shoot down air targets, as with the most modern real life tanks. Real tank guns can't raise too much, but some have the fire control software to shoot down helicopters, which fly low enough to hit. In game terms, this should probably be a very iffy, rare ability.

      The disadvantages are cost, and top speed in hard ground, which would be lower than lighter units.
    • Sniper bots, which can go prone for greater stealth, and which carry heavy rifles capable of doing damage against heavy tanks' rear armor. Can damage medium vehicles' side armor, and light vehicles from any angle. Legged vehicles could have steep terrain crossing bonuses, but generally be slower than wheeled and tracked vehicles.

    • Super-cavitating subs. Extraordinarily loud, can actually be detected from outside the normal detection radius, but just as fast as it is loud. Carries atomic cruise missiles, and super-cavitating atomic torpedoes.
    • Super-cavitating frigate. Extraordinarily fast, and has point weak defense lasers, and guns, and offensive missiles.
    • Amphibious destroyer. I love the one from Supreme Commander. I just wish it were faster on land, but maybe with weaker hull, and better active defenses. Point defense lasers, guns, missiles (capable against missiles, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, fighters), and anti-torpedo missile, all of which can be trained offensively against in-range ground targets and structures, as well as offensive missiles with better range and firepower for use against ships, ground targets, and submarines. Armored to a light level against guns.
    • A navy style concept: what if one side uses US style swarms of small missiles, while the other uses Russian style super heavy, super fast, missiles in limited numbers?

    • Specialized rounds for the orbital gun:
    • Rods-from-God: a bundle of 10 self targeting rods per robot volume can be launched.
    • Fission nukes: 1 per robot.
    • Antimatter triggered mini fusion nuke: 50 very small nukes in the 1 ton yield range, per robot volume.
    • Big *** Nuke: 1 per five robot volumes.
    A very limited number of self propelled, interplanetary units would be nice, although, I wouldn't be disappointed at all if the only way to move between worlds is with rockets and guns. I posted an idea for an Orion drive, nuclear pulse rocket, in another thread, so what if, based on your idea, it's a sea battleship, which flies between planets using the Orion method? In the real world ocean based nuke tests, ships survived surprisingly well, except for extreme irradiation. But, without humans present the radiation isn't such an issue.

    I really like the idea of the burrowing unit.

    It would be great for the robot hurling gun to double as world girding artillery.
    Last edited: August 25, 2012

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