Ideal Team makeup in your opinion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by ChrisMikeRack, August 19, 2010.

  1. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Blusher, some lip gloss and a bit of foundation.

    It all varies from game to game I know, but before the game has begun and you dont know what your up against, I like it when I see the following picked by my teamates:

    2 support, staying back at base buiding and hacking turrets. 1 assasin on bot decimation and anti jackbot duties. 1 sniper and 2 either assault, gunner or tanks (any combination). The last 3 for various offensive duties.
  2. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    of 6:
    Support, Support, Tank, Assault, Sniper, Gunner
    Really never see the 'must' for Assassin, and when you start getting into twos and threes of them it's really sigh-worthy. Assault Gunner and Tank make for excellent lane Pushers where Support and Sniper make for great defensive classes. Tank would be 'midfield' because their defensive strength would be needed too.

    of 4:
    Assault, Gunner, Tank, Support.
    Can't go too far wrong with that.

    of 3:
    Assault, Support, Assassin.
    Only in games of 3 on 3 would I really want to see an assassin, because here the presence of the pros in one lane will be what wins the game. Support is a must for obvious reasons but if the assassin can quickly keep Pro's locked down assault can aid in lane clearing for a quick win.
  3. steamwitch

    steamwitch New Member

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    I and my mates have a full team and we have one of each. Stacking the team hurt it more than helps it IMO.
  4. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    1 more Gunner or Sniper (Map Dependent)
  5. 1uke

    1uke New Member

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    support, support, gunner, sniper, assassin, then the last one can be assault/gunner/tank(i prefer another good gunner) just choose for the current map. :)
    that's my opinion on the subject.
  6. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    i would say

  7. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    Played loads of games last night with a full team of 6 and our best matches were those where we didnt have an assassin on our team!

    Gunner, Tank, Sniper, Support x2, Assault.

    A sniper on grenade 3 arena can call the shots and direct your players to where you need em. The only arena an assassin can be really useful (and can be swapped out for the sniper) is ammo mule.
  8. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Yes I see the point that assasins arnt a must. Theres no denying though they make light work of a Jackbot and a jackbot can hold up other pros when they could be doing more important work!

    I agree though 2 support is a good thing :)
  9. Sloth_Mayne

    Sloth_Mayne New Member

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    my favorite team setup is support,assassin,assassin,assassin,assassin,assassin.

    Oh wait, No this is the one that makes me want to kill myself.

    so please, if theirs already two of one class, DON'T! F**KIN! PICK! THE! SAME! CLASS!
  10. Sloth_Mayne

    Sloth_Mayne New Member

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    my favorite team setup is support,assassin,assassin,assassin,assassin,assassin.

    Oh wait, No this is the one that makes me want to kill myself.

    so please, if theirs already two of one class, DON'T! F**KIN! PICK! THE! SAME! CLASS!
  11. Sloth_Mayne

    Sloth_Mayne New Member

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    Really though the assassin is needed but only one at a time.

    the assasin is what i like to call useless unless properly used.
    People who grapple whore have no idea of what they are doing,
    the best assassin is the one who just kills jack-bots and then juice rushes the base.
    so the ideal setup for me would be:

    Gunner (x1)
    Sniper (x1)
    assault (x1)
  12. ts0ng

    ts0ng New Member

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    Overall, my friends and I play with the mindset that the more variety the better. I generally don't like to double up on anything except maybe Support or Gunners. Assassin and Sniper don't seem to be getting much love on these lists either, but they do combo pretty well if they want to D up together.
  13. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    This is mostly true. However, I've played some awesome matches where 2 GOOD Assassins (including myself once) have been able to hold off every attempt towards a push just by cloaking, good grappling and shurikening for firebases, and smart use of the ejectors. Sure, it's cheap, but it works AWESOME. with 2 people down, we held off a team of six for a good 10 minutes while the absolutely worthless support and gunner on our team wandered around aimlessly.

    Grappling is the main attack of an Assassin, so I'm not sure you could even call it whoring when its the main skill you rely on. Grappling is okay as long as you are smart and have an exit strategy. Grappling a support in a giant group of bots = bad idea. Grappling an assault who is at the back of the pack just as he goes out of the range of enemy turrets = smart.

    As for the best Assassin doing just the things you mentioned above, I think you're a little off. Jackbots are a big part which a lot of Assassins forget, and juice rushing to knock down turrets is effective, but if you'll look at the example I put with regards to the first quote of this reply, they can do a whole lot more than just that and still benefit the team greatly.
  14. ts0ng

    ts0ng New Member

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    I don't think you two are arguing entirely different points. Assassins are great for turrets and jackbots, sure, but so are longshot turrets and gapshots. I know in a team-based game people don't like to talk about KD, but at the end of a round you can tell a good bit about an Assassin with a good KD I think. If it's a good ratio but low values (6:2 maybe) they're probably playing sensibly but not engaging very often, either not finding opportunities or hanging back too much. If it's a good ratio w/ high values (15:5) they're pretty on point, finding the opportunities and executing them properly. If it's just a bad ratio (just barely above 1:1 or worse) no matter how high the number they're probably grappling at every opportunity w/o any regard for bots or other pros around their target and without an exit strategy.
  15. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    I agree, we're both trying to make a point about the effectiveness of a good Assassin.

    I read it as though he was making the argument that an Assassin going against Pros is simply ridiculous. I just thought it might be good to bring up an example where a simple method of cloaking, ejecting, shurikening, and smart grappling can save a team. This is exactly what I think makes a good Assassin; knowing when to pick your fights, and when to wait for the right opportunities to make your move. Sometimes this means grapple-whoring, and other times, it means never using a grapple on a pro.
  16. ts0ng

    ts0ng New Member

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    Yeah absolutely. I'd venture to guess most of the grapple whores, as described, are the newer players or those poorly picking their targets or rushing in w/o an exit strategy.
  17. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    Absolutely. I can't count how many times someone will choose Assassin on the class screen after I've already chosen it, so I'll back out to be nice and get Assault, only to see them rush in to a group of 4 bots and a support and try to grapple the support just after he's tossed down a firebase.

    Either way, becoming a good Assassin takes time and patience. I'm hoping all the newbies learn it the hard way then stop just running and gunning COD style.
  18. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    I agree with most of whats been said n the past few posts. Only flaw is saying that longshot/gapshots are as good as an assasin for taking out firebases. If the support is any good they should be near their firebase a large portion of the timeand its very easy to negate the damage of these with periodic healing. My firebases fall to assasins alot more. They fall to other supports even moreso though! Seems support is the natural counter for support as far as the firebase is concerned
  19. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I think team composition varies largely by map and it also depends on who you are facing.
    But generally I prefer: support, support, gunner, assassin, sniper, tank.

    I said tank just to throw it out there.... but honestly it could be assault/gunner/assassin/sniper.

    Doubling up can actually a very good strategy. Two assaults working in concert are rather deadly if they have a terrain advantage. If you have two gunners, you can attack both sides of their base. Having two supports lets you have one for offense and one to keep your turrets hacked and overhealed. Two snipers can literally keep anyone from entering your base with traps.

    Just for fun once we all went support. Two of us bought the antenna upgrade, and we walked up the aisles with super bots on each side. When we got to their base we put up 6 turrets and they really couldn't do much about it.
  20. GoldenLink

    GoldenLink New Member

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    So let me start off by saying for the most part during crossfire, I play assassin. I played both spy and scout for 300+ hours together in my 600+ hours tf2 file. I know i know, they are two different games but I get a lot of my basic strategies from them. Being the mvp a lot certainly makes me think i'm the best assassin on a team of 2-3, when thats the case. But it's always nice to see I'm the mvp on a team where I'm the only assassin. I feel like I'm doing my part to help the team.

    Pretty much i follow through with this method. Bots. Bots bots bots. When i start the game i put one in the general upgrade. Then with 200 left i go into the fray, usually try to take out one person, then kill a few bots. By the time i kill the second person I have 400 and can get my sword. From there I do dash, cloak, then smoke bomb. Jackbots take highest priority over everything. Then its pesky good snipers, then supports, gunners, assaults, and tanks last. Depending on the situation I may make snap judgements and change, but that's the general loadout. Once I get juice, i always go into the enemy base and take out as many turrets as i can.

    A good assassin is vital to a team, and I love being that good assassin, but the feeling i feel when theres 3 other assassins on the team, and the only reason I don't want to change is because I'm actually helping the team, makes me sad. =/

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