1. buffacumber

    buffacumber Member

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    just wanted to hear some cool mnc stories about cool things that happened to you (could be epic, could be lame)

    I ground zero'd datamouse in the middle of what i could only estimate was 10 or more blackjacks surrounding him. He still managed to minigun me and taunt before the air strike struck.<3 datamouse he always gives me a run for my money and he's a damn good sport.

    Lets hear those stories! (could be made up for all i care...whos gunna know?)

    *cue mickey cantor voice*
  2. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    This one time, I muted EZ Basskits2.

    I never looked back. What a great decision. Now I can read his angry messages in whatever cartoony voice I wish. I keep going back to Yosemite Sam though. :?
  3. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Wall of reminiscing incoming for those interested in my trip down memory lane.

    When i first got the game i used to get rocked constantly, i got this game alone and i was just awful, like 0.3kd my first week. from experience i attributed most to inexperience, i assumed i would catch on and someday extract vengeance on those who beat me up. my friend action introduced me to this website via xeno's vids, i wont lie i was impressed, but noticed it was alot of low level bashing. then one day i got my *** handed to me so hard along with my party of friends, i could tell this guy was very different from the rest, so i sent him a message with a complement, he brought up the game has a competitive community and to FR him if i was interested, and thats how i met miracle, who invited me to a chat with the rest of GP, and within days the rest of his team hated me bc he spent more time playing with me than them and tried to get me on their team saying i would be one of the best soon, they kinda laughed and well the rest is history in that respect.

    my first batch of PM's back in january 2011. the game was so new and fresh to me, miracle, kckzi, and chaos completely dominated PM's, several other good old names in the mix like MLGintervention, lurkingpower, smokez, manouso, billy reuben, ninjawallace, sahelkhan, grindout, agitating, xpayne, etc, used to round out the sides. Shammas and miracle used to ragequit mid match if they were losing. People were alot nicer back then too. I could tell i was going to get along with kckzi right off the bat from his sense of humor, i could tell i was going to hate sigmar bc i had never met anyone more annoying, and from the day i met him i told miracle that ace was terrible. most of GP were too smug to participate in PM's without their teammates which i thought was really odd after picking up the idea that they were the best team in the game "why wouldnt the best team want to play separate, seems like thats the only way to improve" that theory was usually shot down with "were too good to ever lose so theres no point". so for those who dont know or remember how that used to be, even tho the "best" players over the past year or so occasionally bitch if their PM team sucks, at least we dont refuse to play lol

    i also remember in my earlier days despite being far from one of the better players i quickly grasped who was good and who was more face than skill really. outside of GP the community seemed to be pretty cooperative and got along well so i never really stirred up controversy seeing as how most people played PMs for fun than winning, but i tell miracle, kckzi, shammas my opinions. i remember saying things like "assault isnt even kckzi's best class, his sniper is probably the best in the game; yan templer is a really good player why does nobody ever talk about him (most ppl here only played with yan on his newer monstrosity TV which sucks for MNC and even then he was still good, before that he was the best tank IMO and a crazy good gunner and very good assault); push isnt even the best assassin on his team let alone the game; since yan is only an alternate, you really only have to watch for manouso's assassin, that guy can win a game by himself if you're not all over him; chaos's gunner is far better than deadeye's; teapot has a halo background and his assault is pretty good, hes going to be one of the best sooner than later; etc. all of these were initially dismissed, but miracle eventually learned to just trust my opinion after being right almost every time.

    Watching the FN tourney, playing in a few Jeesports matches, the H&S vs TEG rivalry (friendly for the most part). Pubstomping day after day after day with miracle and my other friends. Going from my first mentions on this forum from deadeye telling miracle that i sucked to everyone telling deadeye that he sucks. Miracle making a new thread almost every day antagonizing the community in one way or another.

    A few interesting quick stories, i learned about this game by entering the wrong friends chat, and was like wtf is mnc. he said the best game ever, class based shooter thingy, so i bought it, yepp thats how i got this game.

    I coined the term farm animal over a year and a half ago. miracle made a thread saying anyone who wanted lessons from him and GP can FR him. he had some 20~ FR the next day, i referenced his "lesson sessions" something similar to cattle preparing for slaughter, i pictured a herd of "farm animals" in a large fenced area and he would call in the first several to the slaughter/training. once those were complete, he would signal for the next batch. shammas loved it then started using it on the forums left and right

    I named Miracle Jeff. Miracle JF, just went phonetic, kept calling him jeff, it stuck. "my name aint jeff! i am not jeff with a fox, i am not jeff in a box. i am not jeff here or there, i am not jeff anywhere!"

    for $15 bucks this game has brought me many new friends i still play several games with regularly, even more that i played MNC with and against regularly, enough memories/stories that would fill up some 50 pages on my own in this thread, but il see how this holds if this thread can be something fun and people want to hear more il add periodically, either way it was fun for myself to reminisce/ramble on about the early days
  4. buffacumber

    buffacumber Member

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    But he has the most WICKED HARD boston (I think?) accent! Also I sui striked him 8 times in a row in the middle of GIII until my xbox froze from the saltiness.
  5. buffacumber

    buffacumber Member

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    I remember screaming (Litteraly yelling racial slurs and four letter words at the top of my voice) at the tv whenever yan would kill me as an assault. I went full tryhard assassin and was literally running both bot lanes and he would somehow find me and kill me and taunt every time. Then it went back to the lobby and i realized he was like lvl 47 with no prestige and I laughed at myself. He was one of the only people that pushed me to play this game harder. I swore some day I would beat him and I don't think I ever have lol.

    I also remember back when I only played support and had like a .03k/d and I entered a game on g3. i played support for my team and we made it all the way to overtime against jon#s and a bunch of other high level players (I don't think they were partied but i could be wrong) and jon sent me a message saying that the game would of ended in like 1 minute if I wasn't on the opposing team, which sparked my interest to become more competative at this game.

    Despite what anyone else says, the competitivness of this game is what keeps me coming back. After playing some privates (I know, not many) and evolving my playstyle I really just want to mess around and have fun with other builds. I don't particularly find juice chaining on newbies exciting or entertaining, normally I'll just try rediculous builds to see if they'll work or if i have enough skill.

    Also ontopic:
    My first ATG was a one button one, in which the entire team decided to run at me as a tank on their spawn ring so I popped juice, hit left trigger and got all six of em.
    Also i remember going up against billy reuben as a youngster and getting the **** beat out of me repeatedly to the point where i rage quit for the first time.

    tldr; this game, for $15 has been one of the most fun, competitive, entertaining, drama filled things in my life.
  6. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    I never wanted to play this game. I hated shooters (Gears of War 2 was the only one I had ever played, and I only ever played horde mode). My roommate actually bought it since I had MS points, he didn't, so he used my account to pick up the game and said he would pay me back with beer money. It is why my account has achievements on it from 2010, even though I did not play it until 2011.

    I got a new Xbox in October 2011 for Gears 3, and a real life friend of mine (Mars Malghoul) noticed I had it when he compared games and suggested that I play it. I got REALLY drunk and played REALLY bad...like 2-X-45 assassin bad. During that early time, Mars helped me out with support and assasin (so I could at least go less negative), and eventually we kept running into Organus and Alphabet Taco, who started to party up with us and taught me some more pub basics.

    After a while, I quit drinking and started to actually want to get better at the game, so I started to read all the guides that I could find, and worked on my game. I posted questions on the forum, and asked for advice. I eventually made it all the way to slim bot, and ran into Teapot in a pub. He joined mine and Mars' party and asked if we were ever interested in doing private matches since we at least had some teamwork. We said sure.

    My first PM ever (bear in mind I was a level 12 or so slim bot), I got last pick of class...sniper. I played sniper only about 3 or 4 times previous to that - I did not have a custom class for it. I did not get invited to party chat. I went somewhere around 1-x-20. I got yelled at a lot when I was finally in the party.
    I switched to assassin - I went about 2-x-37. Holy **** did I get yelled at!! As bad as the beating was, I knew THIS was how the game was supposed to be played!

    Shortly after that, Alphabet Taco taught me how to play pub sniper, and it was a tremendous help since he went over a lot of things I never knew - like which jump pads let you move during the jump, how to quickscope effectively, clawing, timing the annihilator, etc.

    Random sidebar; I was in a PM and had Feedle on my team. His tank and my assassin combined for 3 kills and 90something deaths in 12 or so minutes. It was rather epic in its failure, and one of the most fun games I have ever had.

    Somewhere along the way, I started hosting matches. I went from a guy who played the game as a way to pass the time while drinking, to a guy who helps organize things.

    I still suck at the game though.
  7. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    When I first heard of MNC I thought it was a fighting game, cool story
  8. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    If you're talking about the game where I played Sniper, yeah, I wasn't partied up.

    Some of my fondest memories of this game...Hmm...

    I remember Tom#'s telling me that Tank was probably the best class for me to pick because traditionally, a tank should be medium-high damage and ultra-high health. Yeah, no. My first 50 levels, my K/D was about .025. Yes, .025. :|

    We then decided that maybe I should try Support. So silly. I would start every single match upgrading my Hack and building a Lv.3 Lazer. It definitely netted me some kills, but I died much more than that. I think my K/D went to about .2XX for awhile.

    Then I ran into A Patch of Blue in a pub. He was dominating at that time and was very willing to show some neat Support tricks. I an honestly say that I learned a great deal from him, like how very beautiful the shotty is against Assassins.

    At that point, I decided to teach myself Assassin. I read a few of the guides here and went out on my own. I actually did rather well considering how terrible I am/was at MNC. Playing tryhard pub 'Sin actually brought my K/D to 1.000+

    Around February of last year, Tom, myself and a few others from our little group were invited to a mixed PM with Miracle, Chron, Shammas and crew. It was definitely a learning experience for me. Let's just say I got sh*t on by everyone in that lobby.

    But we won. We won because I kept my heal gun on Chron's Gunner (vs Miracle) and he was able to keep their entire team back. It was from that match forward that the PM meta for the Support really shifted. I will not take credit for that because I was just doing what Chron asked of me, but I will say that with that tactic, more games were won than not.

    After a short string of mixed PMs, Miracle decided he wanted to run his mouth on the forums and challenge anyone to a scrim. That's when Tom and I formed TEG. The TEG days were by far the best times in this game for me. We were routinely facing the biggest names in this small community and actually doing WAY better than we ever thought we would. It was incredible!

    To all the past members of TEG; TOM12121112, TheDude 421, TheBoom84, Payne, Philychesteak, Zatchmo, Reanimated Ace, etc.

    And all the members of H&S; Miracle JF, ChRoN1cLe and ChRoN2cLe, x Shammas, kckzi, yan templer, Manouso and all subs.

    Thank you for such a wonderful time. There was such a great friendly rivalry there and I really truly wish we could go back to those days.

    After the TEG vs H&S scrims died down a bit, TEG fell into scrimming whatever bunch of guys Feedle could scrounge up. Normally we would switch our Custom Classes to include bronze Juice to mock his Assassin at the time - Demon S33d.

    *deep breath*

    Anyways, beyond that has been a mix of trolling, friendly banter, exploits, rage-quits, hate mail and a Troll-Support guide.

    I believe that through all of this, I either reported, muted and/or avoided almost all of you out of pure frustration. I'm sorry. ;)

    In a way, this post is somewhat of a goodbye. I don't plan on leaving for good, but I think I'll be online a lot less often until my life calms down a bit.

    Thank you all for a wonderful ride.
    Last edited: July 25, 2012
  9. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    i thought this was about IDeadeye stories so....

    One time iDeady asked me to stop being a nerd. :D
  10. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    I remember the day Mclovin, me, gigivus teamed up to play against deadeye and the dude.

    Mclovin ended up killing and taunting deadeye and I never laughed so hard in my entire life.

    He was cursing and swearing the lobby and offered us a rematch and said "if you got the balls youll stick around for the next game" Sure enough the match ended alot quicker and when the juice wasn't available he got shot down litterally by a duel support shotgun.

    Mclovin and gigivus.

    From then on the legacy lived on and he pretty much quit playing this game or any lobby with anyone I knew.

    Onto everything else in mnc.

    I started back way way way back as one of the guys who pretty much broke the game with my bomb jump and rapidly fire jetpack to the anni when you could shoot it down.

    I single handedly one games quicker then those pesky assassins who camp in the enemy base and get the ball down for the try hard win.

    Anyhow feedle was removed from this forum and the fun began. Soon I created an army at gamefaqs with the help of Rannek. Me, rannek, Bozefus, Gigivus, lost idiot and our other friends used to do battle with many oxy/forum goers and we stomped anyone we could and would. During this time team gamefaqs was formed and well we hunted down people. Jack trips and the pre oxy teams would face us and though they claimed feedle was so bad he never got any kills things got rough.

    Peachy pony was gunned down by rannek and taunted numerous times. Things were getting out of hand. Team gamefaqs had total control over gamefaqs and well many people tried to dethrone me and rannek. Many people claimed we were the same person but alas we weren't and I dont talk or play with my old friend no more. We went our seperate ways.

    Several months after I ran into pineapple kush, snozberries, harpy, mlg intervention and their mnc crew. Everyone though bozefus and gigivus were the greatest party chat people to hang with and everytime we all hung out pineapple would die laughing from gigivus.

    Soon months after a tourney came to take place... Fragged nation was born. From then on we needed a team and we got what we could together.

    A team of me, crimsonskull117, Mlg intervention, pineapple kushx, and viking 305. This ended up forming the original CUPS OF RAGE. Intervention and pineapple combined the name after throwing random names out there and COR was formed. From then on we build on a reputation that being the best doesn't win games and we won the first round against NO BIG DEAL.

    Not sure of no big deals roster at the time but it consisted of unicorn sunshine and einarath. We had a pretty awsome battle and honestly it was the first tourney I ever played in. We ended up winning the first round but lost the next to Dropping Knowledge. Still we put our name out there. We skrimmed many teams and had a few matches with Gp, Beam, Oxy, Taco etc...

    Cor started getting bigger and more players and teams wanted to join as I had arranged for many players and teams to try and form even though everything hit the fan.

    Feedle ended up having a charlie sheen moment and well all these new teams formed.. Cor was over.

    One problem was that viking was spending more time playing street fighter then mnc and when we needed him he left us to lose. This brought in subs and between that and my death streaks cor started falling appart. Mlg left to Destiny, pineapple went to runescape, viking stopped playing, and crimsonskull was always around.

    More months and days went on.. people said when you getting a new team to form. I ended up meeting hella, banned and a few others in mnc and had a few ideas of making Lockdown.

    Problem with lockdown is we had no assassin. We tried out excitant who played with smokes and a couple others i cant remember. Also we never really had a sniper.
    So our new team was me, gigivus, hellasobitter, jester day, demonseed and subtility moon. Everyone had a mic except sub and yes we played TEG almost daily. We always got destroyed in kills and most games but we put up a fight and took the odd win here and there.

    After months of trolling and lack of desire to play most of Lockdown broke up and when this happened most of the mnc teams started to crumble.

    Teg was around and played Gp but then Gp broke up.

    This leaves us to private matches and weekly scrims.

    no teams just people playing vs each other

    Private match rules changed with the help and ideas of all the players and the juice trolling ruining game for people.
  11. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    Random sidebar; I was in a PM and had Feedle on my team. His tank and my assassin combined for 3 kills and 90something deaths in 12 or so minutes. It was rather epic in its failure, and one of the most fun games I have ever had.

    Think that was close to when I first added you and tried to get you to play pms. Still if im on your team theres always fun times. I do really weird things sometimes just to prove things.

    Like going completely negative like 2-55 and still winning games :D
  12. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    This thread should be titled "the nostalgia thread", but then I thought about it, and that's all deadeye did was reminisce about past games and placings.. so it's fine with me.

    I have a very shot memory.. at least compared to my friends. I can't even remember who I used to play with early on into the game. From the start I mostly played by myself because thats now I normally played FPS games unless they were competitive matches.

    I never seemed to run into the OxyTeam, and rarely into GP except for a few occasions. Never saw Type Z or any of the other guys play in groups, but ran into them here and there. For me there is one person I can thank for getting me extremely into the game at the time and that's Xenonox. I never new he had a channel or recorded videos, all I knew is I could find him in a lobby at 2am and play some serious assault vs assault battles while the rest of the members on each team would contribute nothing.

    I was happy to play him and K.Rool and the occasional fanboy who would follow xeno everywhere he went playing support. Although xeno's vids probably could have helped, I felt I learned A LOT more playing him than anything. The guys runs at any sign of death, so it became a challenge not only to out play him, but to finish the kills. It helped my awareness since he was great at taking advantage of a player who turned his back for any reason. They were fun because neither of us would really juice chain and it was a battle between two different assault builds with two different play styles.

    Deadeye was another person who was a good 1vf challenge in pubs, except for the crazy juice chaining and hatemail.

    I remember running into Officer Willy, (Puerto Rican) and telling him we should form a team and that we could easily beat GP no problem. I truly felt those guys were beatable, but I would learn that at a later time, and not while I was still pretty new to the game.

    Eventually I made it onto the forums, and posted here and there. Nobody knew who I was and I played as a loner so posts often went overlooked by the forum cliques. I tried to get on various teams with no luck. Since nobody knew me, nobody gave me a chance. It wasn't even about skill level, it was about being known on the forums.

    Fast foward a bit to the Draft Tournament. I was picked behind a loooooooot of people. I think I was the 2nd the last pick in the 5th round by deadstrecth. I forget who we played Jacktrips team, but for some reason I remember playing against kckzi, who wasn't on that team. We lost, but both Kckzi and I went huge for our teams on assault racking up 20+ kills and barely any deaths.

    From that point some players were able to see my potential, and Ninja Wallace was interested in getting me on New Scum. I was down, however things were slow and didn't seem to be picking up on the team. Thats when Jack Trips approached me with his idea for creating a new team picking up what he said were some very good players from other teams to hopefully form a new contender for the top team.

    I never heard of OfficerFuttBuck, Hawkshade, or deadpool but holy **** did F5in rape me multiple times in this game. So that's how **** formed and we went on to play a couple scrims against randoms then teams. We wrecked the Dirty Half Dozen (only one I remember is xeno) then went on to scrim Destiny. That was an awesome series and I can't remember if we won or tied, but I don't think we lost because we were doing a lot of bragging. They claimed it wasn't fair because they didn't have their full team, despite having shammas and miracle step in for them.

    We never played again, but instead scrimmed Grand Prize and I learned what potential this game actually has when it comes to being competitive. Up to that point I never played a game that could come within 10% close to the match's intensitiy, fun, or awareness. We def shocked them a bit when we took them to overtime, and although they were besting us a lot, we weren't just fighting out of our base. We were trading off map/bot control except that they held it the majority of the times.

    i'll post the rest later.. lol
  13. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    I first thought mnc was a rugby type video game set in the future.

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