If there is more than 1 planet then spawn the AI commander on the opposite planet to starting planet or any other planet that's not the starting planet. Spawn a small AI base on the starting planet with maybe 2 or 3 fabbers. they should have build priority over the commander until they are destroyed, This should allow for a battle on the starting planet then progressing on to a battle to take over other planets and then kill the AI commander on its starting planet.
maybe small AI bases with fabbers could be spawned on all planets, and the AI commander randomly spawned onto any planet that's not the starting planet. It would make AI games a lot more fun an give a reason for building Orbital stuff in an AI game without uber needing to Program the AI to build orbital stuff or program the AI to leave the planet and take over others.
So your saying we should make the AI cheat so its more of a challenge? Its fine if its an option in player vs. AI games after the game is released. I would rather see the AI become great before giving it cheats.
I'm not sure what you mean by cheating, If the AI has only 3 fabbers and a facotry on starting planet it still needs to build an army and larger base. i thought that might be easier than spawning 2 commanders or one on each planet. I too would prefer AI intelligence over it having a beginning preset base, i just thought maybe this could help as an interim fix until AI programming is completed. I also understand that this may affect AI improvements, its only a suggestion, Maybe having a toggle in the lobby for having AI start on same planet with no advantage or have AI start on other planets with a "Cheats Base" or presetup base on the starting planet.
I have a feeling soon enough the AI will be stomping most players. It will get orbital and launch a moon at you before you even know what's going down..