Idea for Sniper. (insert better title here)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by zodiark1234, April 28, 2011.

  1. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    My idea aims to nerf the "spam for lucky headshot" that a fair few players have been complaining about as well as aiming to allow players without a full blown gaming mouse to be able to use the Sniper class proficiently. My idea comes in 3 parts, (the 4th one is real iffy, but it would affect close range quickscoping) .

    1) Switching the Sniper's rifle to a bolt action seems to be the most feasible idea to prevent players from spamming in hopes of a lucky headshot. Reworking the bolt would force out the zoom, thus forcing the player to aim again. *edit* The bolt action will be fairly fast, however, which means players who can aim quickly will be mostly unhindered.

    2) Having to hold down the right mouse button seems to be a hindrance to players without an exceptional mouse due to some awkwardness and unsteadiness. My idea for this is to have the Sniper stay in zoom with one click, then a shot, or a subsequent right click will make the Sniper unzoom. This should remain an option, however, and not a requirement. Unzooming with a shot will occur either way.

    3) Buff the damage against bots in the event of a headshot. The damage should be enough to where the Sniper can quickly finish them off with one or two clips from his SMG.

    4) Nerf accuracy while moving (this one is very iffy with me, however). the main goal is to make quickscoping more difficult and encourage camping (as a Sniper should). Quickscopes will still be able to be done by standing still momentarily while making the shot, but it will be less effective where the SMG should be used, and players who aim quickly shouldn't have too much of an issue. In essence, it would encourage med-long range quickscoping as standing still for a period of time could be fatal.

    The result is that the Sniper will be less spam based while at the same time making him more accessible to players without high end equipment. (I myself find my hand incredibly shaky when holding down the zoom button, making Sniper nearly impossible for me to play).

    This could, however, have an indirect impact on making quick scoping more effective as the Sniper unscopes immediately to work the bolt, but the 4th part could nullify that. I wish there was a way I could test stuff like this to see how it would play out. I'd hate for it to be implemented and finding out it destroyed a class completely.

    And finally, If this idea was implemented, I'd like to see a redesign of the Sniper rifle to represent that it is a bolt action. I do propose designing it after the DSR-1 as it was designed to use in confined areas like cities and such, but w/e.

    Like or hate, post reasons why cause simple flame is not very constructive.
  2. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    Add "Flinching" to the sniper while zoomed in if he is shot and or takes damage. Yes that sounds very relatively just like TF2's sniper, but think about the accuracy of most of the pros guns. They aren't exactly long range like Mr. Sniper. This makes attaching an Accuracy endorsement actually useful for classes like Assault or Gunner.

    Not only that, but this also makes sniper sit in the back more than ever before. No more ice trapping commando's.
  3. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Is it similar to TF2? I used some ideas from Combat Arms (my first PC shooter) regarding how bolt actions work in that game except for the one hit kill body shot, which is absolutely ridiculous.
  4. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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  5. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    My biggest gripe is that a sniper can headshot a gunner or tank through back armor. I mean really? It's bad enough the gunner head hit box is like the width of an assassins entire body but you let it be hit through that massive chunk of armor they're wearing? What's the god damn point of the rear armor then lol. Maybe at passive 3 I could see 50% damage on armored head shots but ohk is ridiculous. Combined with the fact that you can spam the **** out of the rifle it just makes gunners and tanks sniper food. That is their role of course but limiting it to head on shots to stop advances is good enough to lock down lanes. Preventing forward progression of heavies is much different than total domination at all angles. Grenade3 is a perfect example of why their domination is just broken. A sniper can push one lane and then just turn to the other side and headshot heavies through their side and rear armor like its nothing. Really silly IMO.
    Last edited: April 28, 2011
  6. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    So, the moment a Tank sees a Sniper bullet whiz by, he'll just turn his back toward the Sniper and be 100% safe? I do not like that idea at all.
  7. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    He's not 100% safe he's just ohk safe. I did state 50% damage through rear armor so it's not a total loss. Snipers still easily kill deployed 3 gunners even though they are nit ohk-able. that piece of **** flimsy glass works to stop it but not like a foot of powered back armor? Lol right.

    The problem is that this was deemed ok on console because let's face it, console aiming will never be as good as pc till the 3 majors decide to fully support mouse and keyboard. On pc it's just far too accurate especially considering the sheer size of heavy heads.

    Hell, I'd even say reduce the backpeddle speed of heavies to prevent them from walking backwards as a tactic lol.
    Last edited: April 28, 2011
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    reducing headshot damage by 50% would certainly not grant 100% safety

    even bodyshots are annoying as-is
  9. azure

    azure Member

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    I've been thinking of a lot of very similar ideas lately, and I totally agree with all your ideas. That said, I think this could also come with a lowering of the zoom level on the rifle, making it more accessible without boosting the power of competent Snipers. Also, should it be decided that making the rifle bolt-action is too drastic a change, adding recoil specifically to the rifle would help to alleviate "easy"headshots (and indirectly reduce the value of the RoF endorsement, since most players would not be able to rencenter before the next shot came out)

    btw, I've recently switched to Tank and I can count on one hand the number of times I've been hit on the head on the first shot.
  10. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    Give it time. You will eventually encounter a good sniper who eats you for lunch. Though the gunner suffers far more by having the blimp sized grey matter container.
  11. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    With the changes I proposed, those headshots will be well deserved for the Sniper. The point of this thread is to nerf spammability without nerfing skill, keeping in mind that he has to take aim again after a missed shot.

    One compromise however is allowing the Tank immunity to headshots while deployed like the Gunner. Though, that may or may not cause the Tank to be a little OP considering how fast the railgun clears out bot lanes.
  12. azure

    azure Member

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    Completely agreed, I played a short round with Tibolan and he got me 2 or 3 times, but still, one hand. I'm sure the number will go up, but the vast majority of the time pub Snipers will take 2-3 shots to hit the head, but it is still annoying, because unless you have a charge and close cover, he will get you if he is at all competent.

    If I may ask, has anyone noticed an increase in the amount of Snipers in the playerbase? I used to see one sniper every 2-3 games, but it seems like there is one in nearly every game I play now.

  13. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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    How about add recoil per shot?
    That's kinda useless but think about it.
    Each shot sniper needs to re-aim.
  14. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    Make gunner deploy 3 store the face shield in the back armor(it already does) preventing rear headshots. While deployed 50% damage through rear armor headshots, regular reduction for deployed front shots.

    Make tank passive 3 prevent rear armor ohk.

    And there are less snipers than there used to be but the few who remain are pretty good making it seem like the sniping populace is pretty op :p
  15. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    I understand why you suggest it, but the problem is there is no recoil on any gun, not on dual miniguns or on a jet gun, this would create balance problems, so sadly i have to say, i'll skip this one.
  16. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    I forgot was it Eka or Scathis posted before somewhere saying that he didn't like bolt-action rifles, that's why the sniper's rifle in this game is a semi

    i am against quick-scoping since that's so not "sniper" but i do find that fitting the character of the MNC sniper though
  17. Xalerwons

    Xalerwons New Member

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    quick scoping is fine

    having unhindered accuracy while running,being moved,damaged,jumping, etc., is bad design for a OHKO weapon.
  18. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    I support the bolt-action idea, where each shot takes twice as long. However, you should add a big bonus to body-shots, or really just double (or more) the damage. That way, snipers can still harry players out of a lane with body shots and fulfill their purpose as area of denial, but has 1/2 the number of chances at a headshot.

    So you nerf spamming and spamming only.
  19. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    random pub snipers are not an issue nor should they ever be. Its the good snipers that I have an issue with. Making it harder to spam shots does not solve any problem when the good snipers have no problem aiming at your dome and shooting. The fact is, Snipers in this game are way too effective and we need to see something drastic to take away from the Snipers ability to be completely safe and still have the ability to kill at any range. I think there should be some serious damage dropoff so that at the other side of the map a headshot just simply won't kill you. Surely Snipers won't have any problems with the mass amounts of assists they will be getting because of this as it doesn't interfere with the objective :roll:

    Another option is to make headshots not OHKO. I honestly don't see why this is such a problem to anyone. Its quite simple, make them kill Snipers and Assassins in one hit and put Supports and Assaults at half. Gunners will have a bit more than the Support and Assault. Tanks lose 1/3. The numbers can be tweaked however Uber decides.

    Why can't Ice traps just slow you down rather than completely stop you? Is this really going to make the Sniper useless? No it isn't, he has a fairly strong up close game with grapple, Flak, and SMG and his only hard counter will be Assault and Sin at that point. Gunners still won't go in the line of sight and Tanks will still think twice about charging in if Ice Traps stop charges. Everything else is fine, I don't see why we can't just try it out as a temporary fix and if it doesn't work we can keep trying.
  20. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    The issue with that idea is that it will discourage players from picking up and playing with Sniper. Even if somehow this change was actually favorable, there is little to no motive for new players to want to play Sniper as he will be mediocre in the best of hands, worthless in nearly everyone else's.

    The point of a Sniper is getting those precision kills from a range, your change effectively makes the Sniper no longer a Sniper, not to mention the fact of how much more effective the Rail Gun will be in comparison. I don't find the sniper particularly strong in close range anyway.

    I do not support.

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