If you didn't get the idea through the title .... the idea is to take the com HP bar further and using the same call as the tooltip PIPs that appear when hovering your mouse over the notifications. have a PIP under the Commander HP (so yes I see this as an extension of comHP bar in the most ideals of worlds) that tracks the com no matter what. and it could be configured to be either constantly open, or only opens up when the com is under attack. anybody think this is a good idea?
many pips, I may be tempted to use pip for something else. I wanna have one that's always over the com. you don't know when trouble's coming to his doorstep.
I'm thinking a more general mod would be better. Maybe if you pressed ctrl+t to open a new draggable pip that tracks the selected unit? *Edit* I think I like that idea a lot. I'll start making it now. Version two of it should flash when the unit takes damage of dies. If there a way to do this without also requiring alerts manager?