Idea For Factions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by deaffrog, February 10, 2013.

  1. deaffrog

    deaffrog New Member

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    In the trailer their is only one "faction" as such.
    So i was wondering if there would be more than one faction, then an idea came to me, Custom Factions.

    Only faction exists, but it is heavily customizable, for example you will have six slots, and ten choices for each slot. In slot one you could chose your commander type, two would be a specialized land unit, three is a super structure, etc. You choose one unit for each slot, and each unit would look different and have different stats.
    Then the last 2 units of each slot would be unlockable, their stats would mimic those of a starting unit 100%, to keep it fair, they would just look really awesome.
    You would be able to unlock them througth in game play ONLY, sort of like showing off your achievements.

    If you make a really good combination that you really like then you can save it as a new "faction"

    Thanks, I hope you like my idea.
  2. mortiferusrosa

    mortiferusrosa Member

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    They are having one set of units but multiple different types of commanders. While modding will allow for more units, the base game will only have one "faction."
  3. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Theres only 1 faction, however modding will support the addition of more factions.
  4. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Okey, just to make this clear once again. They have said that its 100% that there will be "one unit set", not one faction (They have used the word faction as a synonym for the term "unit set", but have later made clear that they meant "unit set" and not faction).

    Basicly, stop posting "but there will only be one faction" short messages, becuse that isent set in stone (however i would say its very likely), one unit set is set in stone.

    As long as the system envisioned in this thread dosent include multiple units filling the same role the result will still be "one unit set". So while i personaly dont like this idea (for reasons i dont care to discuss), its not against any of the information that has been "confirmed" and therefore shouldent be stomped down by one liners.

    Now feel free to continue your discussion.
  5. drsinistar

    drsinistar Member

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    No unlockables, ever.
  6. SCAL37

    SCAL37 New Member

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    This sounds a lot like AirMech crossed with Guild Wars 2. I like AirMech and Guild Wars 2. Therefore, I like this.
  7. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    I don't really like games where your strategy is pretty much defined before you start the game. An why not just have all ten units for all six slots available instead of taking away all those other ones.
  8. ekulio

    ekulio Member

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    Airmech only does it because a) it's not an RTS, as the devs keep repeating, and b) it needs to be playable with an xbox controller so there's limited space on the unit selection screen.

    Being limited to six different units (or more, but whatever) is pointless. You should choose which units you're going to be using in game by which factory you build, and not by some selection screen before the game starts.
  9. SCAL37

    SCAL37 New Member

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    Yes, but a game that uses that system needn't be limited to a small number of units available in a single game. It would need to limit what units can go in a given slot (no all-infantry or all-tank builds) in order to limit the number of combinations that the devs would have to balance (hence the Guild Wars 2 comparison), and I agree that unlockables are a bad idea (they work in AirMech because it's F2P, and Carbon need to give you something to pay for).

    Note that I don't necessarily advocate this approach above the others Uber might take; I just want to point out the value of this approach. I'm not going to form any solid opinions until we get more info.
  10. mrknowie

    mrknowie Member

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    I don't understand the need to limit our choices in-game. Why not have access to all the units, so the player can choose among the broadest range of strategies? It's inherently balanced (assuming the units themselves are balanced) and is much less complicated.

    Besides, in a procedurally generated map, it will be nigh impossible to know ahead of time the situations you'll confront. Why needlessly impose an artificial limit to the tactics you can implement?

    This game will hopefully be more like a chess match than the standard RTS: every strategy is valid for every player all the time. If you want to limit the units or create other factions, that's what mods are for.

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