Idea for a mod: "orbital suit"

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by coldworks, November 2, 2013.

  1. coldworks

    coldworks New Member

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    I've been tinkering with the idea of designing a mini-mod for planetary annihilation.

    It basically involves building a massive mecha like orbital unit that can pretty much lay waste to low to medium defended planets.

    There's only one catch: the "orbital suit" unit only works if you put your commander in it, so deploying is always an "all in" type of gamble.

    I'm wondering if it can be done.
    - Being able to make an extremely expensive supremely overpowered unit
    - Unit only becomes "enabled" when commander is loaded, or it's as useful as a nigh indestructible version of the astraeus.
    - Achieving a gamble mechanic that results in either victory or complete defeat.
  2. TehOwn

    TehOwn Member

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    One major issue is that if it has high hp, it'd effectively negate most Com-snipes.

    It's an interesting idea though, an experimental class unit that contains the Commander.

    Perhaps more suited to a full conversion type mod.

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