This looks particularly to units. Telling units to move along a path, do a patrol, etc. Has them stop and wait if they are ahead of others, so that they can regroup. This is no problem. I rike it. prus 1. But what if I I don't want that? Thats where ctrl+shift comes in. Let's say I have a group of pelicans, loaded with vanguards. Shift Que: I give them the order, they all fly over, getting shot down because they wait for the others to arrive before dropping. Then after dropping, they wait for the others to drop before leaving and saving themselves. Control Shift Que: Units fly in disorganized and arrive at inconsistent times. However, units get things done quicker. Conjunction of both: You give them a shift command to meet somewhere, then a control+shift for every other command. Units arrive, wait for each other at the point outside the enemy base, then get in and get out as quick as possible. Thoughts?
Yeah i also dont like that they make a group vanguard first en tanks behind because a smart guy with tanks only just retreats and shoot vangaurds first. Sometimes i use groups instead of normal selection. But i still want to make my own group formation. Artillery in front then tanks and then fire or vanguard tanks with aa in between. In supcom 2 that was possible i believe. I dont like your idea. I would like to use cntr shift click to stick to current formation.