I like being particular, even more so when placing down buildings. I just get sort of frustrated whenever a building looks out of place just by a few pixels. I don't know, that's probably just me...But would there be a chance that Planetary Annihilation would get a grid that buildings can snap on to, and the ability to rotate the buildings?
I really like your idea, because sometimes it really look kind off chaotic and ugly in my base XD. I would like a grid, so that i can have a structured and organised bsae
I'm such a weirdo aswell, i mostly build my base fully semetrical, in PA that isn't possible yet but would so see a sort of grid like thing aswell, i know this is comming and building cant be build on each other ect. So i think we will just have to wait ^^
I would like a 'snap to grid' option as well, but I realize that this might be near to impossible to implement on a sphere. Because a straight line on the surface of a sphere would always be an arc.
Sure it would work, like the longitude and latatude lines on a globe. The snap to grid would not be evenly spaced as you went up to the poles, but I bet it would help. I think I might like it that nothing quite lines up though. Personally a building feature Id like to see is auto rotation of laser turrets, so they point outward from your nearby base, or in the same direction as other nearby turrets. Edit: actually that would make building polar bases wicked cool, everything would point out from the pole
I found that to rotate a building you just click and hold down the building and rotate before letting go of the click. For unit exiting a factory just set a move command from factory to a certain location and units will always come out one side of factory help with naval Zenotheory
If there is a building grid I think it should be independent of position. As in, you're stuffed if you rely on this system and spawn on a poll. My suggestion is that buildings should align themselves to each other. So the first building you place has no grid but subsequent nearby buildings will be able to be aligned to each other.
That's a pretty good idea Googlefrog, generating a new grid for every close by bunch of buildings could really help with not letting distortion errors happen. If not, a longitude/latitude type deal is out of the question. We should use a quadsphere like how the planets base mesh is already generated.