As the title says, I'm interested in reading a manual on all the different units, abilities, what have you. Is there anything like that available yet? If not, is there a wiki I could look at?
Check out the following links for lots of PA info... - PA unit database - Useful casts on gameplay - Game casts, and lots of other PA info.
PA Matches also has a wiki. It's the largest and most accurate wiki available.
Completely shameless. Added benefit of actually helping fellow users though, since it is the largest and most accurate.
Also keep in mind that nothing in terms of balance is final, really nothing serious in terms of balance(and the unit roster) haven't even been really work on and what we have now represents something that's "playable" rather than any intent for the "final"(Release/Post-Release) state of the balance and such. Mike
Other than the helpful replies above, reading the manual for this game would make just about as much sense as reading the manual for Windows 9. Hope you're all having a nice Christmas (Yes, YOU too!)_
Why are you in a beta, gezzer? The point of a beta is that the game is not complete. Making a manual for an incomplete game is pointless.
I didnt even know about the other thread lol This just happened because i find far easier to use.
Lol, they just hijacked one of my threads to argue which wiki is better. Out of the two pages on my thread maybe a quarter is actually discussing the topic of the thread, the rest is just arguing over wikis.
I'd agree that the general layout of is better for it's purpose. You can see all the stuff on just one page, no scrolling involved. However is often outdated, while pamatches is quite up to date and even has a version history of the units.
Okay my question is why are you on a forum? Sir you're a flaming ***, that's why! First off, do you understand the difference between a beta and an alpha version? Alpha means nothing, absolutely nothing is sacrosanct. Not only can anything and everything change it most likely will. Beta versions are when most of the concept and underlying game play is locked in but the game is not feature complete and still needs bug squashing and balancing. Major aspects of a game usually don't change in a beta unlike a alpha. So with that said. I just got the game yesterday and though the movie gives a few game play hints it's in no way complete. I'm not knocking it, because it is indeed still in beta. Did I come on here and start spouting off and raging about the lack of a manual? No! I was looking for a source of more information because after playing my first game I realised that this is a very deep game even in the beta form. As well considering that the game is slated for December release, and yes I understand that date is going to be missed, I thought there might be a PDF manual completed because of the release date being so close. But as I said in the original post any source of additional information would work. On the other hand instead of being helpful you come here a post a condescending and pointless post. I have a suggestion for you. Move out of your parent's basement and start interacting with real people. You might find that being such an *** will make real life interactions impossible and become more of human being because of that realization.
Not meaning to start a wiki war I thank everyone that added useful information. Which wiki is better I guess is debatable by those that know the game inside and out. As for people like myself, total novices, any information is going to be useful. If I can make a suggestion. Setting up a sticky with all these links might be helpful for the flood of new users that this game should see as release gets closer and closer.
Game is no longer being released in december. Link: