pretty sure that is possible with the js command I posted. Make the server mod push that js into the icon atlas of the clients and run it when spawns are selected.
I have no idea what's going on for you then. You have to be doing something wrong. Can't see why it would not work. You sure you actually replaced the files, then run the command in the right scene?
oh, dunno why but now it works!! Thanks a billion !! EDIT: aw **** I only got it to work once. now it refuses to do it anymore.
ok now I got it working consistently. I don't know why there's sometimes where the code just won't do anything and sometimes where it does.
Just tested again and worked consistent and without issues multiple times in a row. Due to how it uses Math.random() it does have a very small chance of failing, but that's like winning the lottery I think. I guess if you are paranoid you can replace Math.random() with that never repeats itself, at least not for the next few billion years or so. My test case btw looks like this: 1.) Start PA & Debugger 2.) Open commander icon in gimp 3.) Do random drawing on icon, save 4.) reload js, works repeat 3 and 4 a few times. Works every time.