Since I wont be joining any high-ping games for a while I can finally confess this bug. Ice traps basically do nothing to lunging Assassins. By the time the ice trap hits the Assassin, the Assassin is so far away from the center of the trap that she can move and jump almost freely. I abused this in a 320-ping match to remove a bunch of ice traps by lunging over them and moving on. I am the essence of evil. L. Spiro
It stops you after the lunge finishes which, most of the time, is enough to grapple the sniper or whatever.
For those who are posting your experiences with ice traps, you should also post your average ping. I ping below 16 to all Japanese servers, where ice traps stop me cold (get it? GET IT??). When I go to 60-100 or so, ice traps slow me down greatly, but not fully stop, and I can usually barely reach the Sniper (what Vlane posted). And at 320 they slow my lunge a bit but when I stop I am so far away I can hop and walk almost normally. L. Spiro
You may not be able to tell exactly but you should be able to get a "feel" for the relative ping. In particular, I can tell the difference between a 30~90 ms ping compared to a 120+ ms ping by rapidly activating and deactivating fly on assault. If the ping is above about 110/120, I generally "skip" a bit through the air rather than a fluid start, stop motion. I don't recall from the last time I booted up the 360 version, does the scoreboard have ping bars? Generally, max bars is less than 100 ms ping.
Unupgraded ice traps are a wasted effort. Upgraded ones will lock you in place when your feet hit the ground again. Though by that time i'm usually in the middle of jamming my sword into your spine. If they locked you down immidiately the sniper would be even more broken than he already is. double grapples, traps, flak, SMG. He does it all. Everything except being liked. But he's a clone so i guess it's okay. He'll never know the meaning of love.