I would buy Titans if...

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by TehOwn, August 19, 2015.

  1. TehOwn

    TehOwn Member

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    I could play it with my friends. But I can't.

    I convinced them to buy the original game and we played a couple games but they felt like it was still unfinished.

    Now, I enjoyed it... I could pay £10 for Titans. I've decided it is worth it. But my friends don't agree.

    Starcraft II allows you to play with the latest expansion, regardless of which version your friends have. They join your party and you can all play with "Legacy of the Void" (even if they don't own the game at all!) but they can only play it when I'm around, in my party.

    If Titans allowed me to play with my friends who already bought the game. I'd buy it.

    I'm not sure how feasible this is but I think it's a great idea. If they get really into the game, they'll be encouraged to buy Titans, so they can play it when I'm not around or don't want to play. Maybe they'll want to do ranked matches rather than custom ones and have to buy it.
  2. Marnit

    Marnit Member

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    This is something Uber handled terribly.
    You actually can connect Titans to PA.

    There is a setting under game options to disable expansion content, and then it will connect to the regular client.

    (No access to new units though)
  3. TehOwn

    TehOwn Member

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    Yet still no reason for me to purchase Titans since the game is balanced around the new units. I can't even show off the new units for my friends, even if only I could build them. Sure it'd be unfair but we could go 2v1 or 3v1.
  4. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    If they did that the outrage would be even bigger since people would complain about Titans being pay to win - and rightfully so.
    stuart98, igncom1, radongog and 2 others like this.
  5. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    This is why Uber has to do more around gift keys---YOU have to be able to be the one buying your friends PA Titans!
  6. TehOwn

    TehOwn Member

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    So I should pay another £40 to be able to play a couple of games with my friends with a few new units?

    I think I'll just buy Legacy of the Void.
  7. V4NT0M

    V4NT0M Well-Known Member

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    I agree that this is a good idea in principle but you have to understand that Uber are not Blizzard, Uber need PAT purchases a lot more than Blizzard need Legacy of the Void sales.
  8. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    No, but you could pay around £20 in a year or so---OR simply do it now and play more then just a couple of games. :D
  9. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Then go and do so! But you don't need to tell us about it.
    stuart98, Nicb1, radongog and 2 others like this.
  10. TehOwn

    TehOwn Member

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    I disagree with this completely. Legacy of the Void has a hell of a lot more content and time spent on it. Investors pay for this, they need sales to recoup the investment. Saying that we should buy an inferior product because they really need the money is not an argument.

    Besides, with all the complaints and that 99% of the people defending them are people who got it for free, I don't see Titans being anything but a flop already. Placating the community is worth the imagined cost. It may actually earn them more revenue.

    The KS reward was simply an example of this. They gave Titans for free to the people most likely to pay it! If they're desperate for money, isn't that a dumb idea? No, it isn't. Because it creates a group of people who will argue on their side that this isn't a "fix" but an expansion. An easy position to take when you paid nothing for it.

    All I'm saying is what I'd be willing to pay for. If they can't do it, then so be it. As I just commented elsewhere, a free weekend would work somewhat to convince owners of PA to buy the patch.
    Last edited: August 19, 2015
  11. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    How do you know the time spent on each relative expansion, and the budget thereof?

    You do realise the irony in complaining about the cost of TITANS, but castigating those of us who got it for free . . . because we got it for free?

    (the irony is that if you had gotten it for free, you wouldn't be complaining either. Hypocrisy is a wonderful thing)
    squishypon3 and Nicb1 like this.
  12. TehOwn

    TehOwn Member

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    The same way I can look at a Ferarri and know that it costs more to make than a Nissan Micra.

    I wasn't castigating you for getting it for free. I'm simply saying that you're trying to defend a pay-wall that you never had to face. By giving it away for free, they create a group that will defend it more easily than if they themselves begrudgingly paid for what seems like the game should have been at release.
  13. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    If you want to play it with your friends then oh well.. Yeah?

    I have to pay the 14$ too because i bought it in alpha so no bias in it being free for me, 14$ isn't much at all.
    ace63 likes this.
  14. varothegod

    varothegod New Member

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    I paid for titans, and I completely defend it, my reasons are

    Pa was a finished game, including everything they displayed in the kickstarter trailers.

    People argue that their is no tier 3 but their were slots displayed for it so the game is not complete... I'll use destiny as an example they currently have 2 subclasses but the third subclass slot is their, but has still not been released up until this new expansion...

    Kick starter backers payed 60-90$ for the original game, you most likely got the game for 12-25$ 25+13$=38$ which is nothing compared to a kickstarter backer

    If u can't afford a 13$ expansion for a game then you should stop playing video games considering most new games are 60$ and there expansion are 15$+ destinys newest expansion costs 45$.....

    If people really don't think it's a good game or the expansion is not worth it then why are they pushing so hard to get the expansion for free, you don't want it anyway....
    Nicb1 likes this.
  15. earth75

    earth75 Member

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    Wait, what? It has always been possible to play PA with your friends, even if they do not own the game.
    Here is what I do :
    step 1 : put PA on a USB stick
    step 2 : gather friends at some place and paste it on their comps
    step 3 : Run a local server on the beefiest computer of the lot
    step 4 : have a hell of a time
    bonus step : watch all you friends buy the game at the next discount on steam so they can play over the internet.
    This is honestly how I got my friends into PA.
    Bsport and proeleert like this.
  16. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    I fail to see how being able to identify expensive cars (that don't necessarily perform better in ways that actually count for the average driver) relates to video games development. You have no idea of the relative time spent developing features.

    I don't have TITANS yet. There are issues with my game key. I'm defending it because I believe it is right to defend what they have chosen to do. They didn't have to give it to me for free. They didn't have to offer a discount.

    What's next? Will you accuse the Early Access buyers (some of which are acting like gigantic raging man-children on the Steam forums, by the by) of being more likely to defend Uber? Because they got a discount?

    I don't think you will, somehow.
  17. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    Thank god!!
    MrTBSC and Nicb1 like this.
  18. V4NT0M

    V4NT0M Well-Known Member

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    I don't think they gave away the expansion to create an army of forum warriors.

    You can but I would hazard a guess that Uber wouldn't. Blizzard have so many massively successful projects to fall back upon, Uber do not.

    I was just really saying, I don't expect them to do this, especially as they have just given it away to a bunch of people who could allow a bunch more to play for free.
  19. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    I'm in a similar situation. I told my friends who bought the game to hold off playing it because it wasn't finished. Lets be honest, it wasn't and still isn't.

    Now they may like the look of this expansion, but I doubt they like it enough to pay for it knowing that they bought the game last time and didn't enjoy it.

    Who cares though? Not Uber... because without making money they wouldn't exist.
  20. varothegod

    varothegod New Member

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    It is not a patch... The original game operates exactly the same way weather you get titans or not... It is down load content just like COD, halo, destiny, or any other game on the market these days... And they ALL charge for the dlc

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