I wonder....

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by An Artic Fox, January 4, 2011.

  1. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    I wonder if the Xbox 360 MNC will die out because of the PC one? Uber, will you release Pc stuff for us Xbox 360 users? or leave us in the dark? I don't play this game much anymore...but I dont wanna see is choking to death like TF2 on the Xbox...

  2. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    If you don't play then you might be the reason it's choking. This game is kinda addicting. I play it whenever i'm supposed to have already started my Hw
  3. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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  4. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    This has already been covered several times. PC and 360 are two very different platforms with different needs and capabilities. We're going to be releasing new stuff for both but most likely you'll see smaller and faster updates in the PC first and bigger updates on the 360. Technically it's easier for us to release content on the PC than Xbox because of how much were able to change the core game files and less of a memory constraint.
  5. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    No, that logic is pretty flawed.

    1: Not everyone that has the 360 version has a computer that can run the game, is willing to pay for it twice, or even likes the idea of playing the game on PC.

    2: Just because patches are easier to do on PC doesn't automatically mean Uber is going to abandon the 360 version. I'm also not saying they won't; clearly I nor you would know this. Without any insider knowledge, the chances are just as good that they will as they won't. So let's not bother speculating on something that's more or less a coin toss.

    3: Even the most controversial elements of MNC can't come close to the game-breakingness of the host being able to lock out classes as and when ever they please in the 360 version of TF2. The lack of updates and fixes for major exploits(such as a certain technique of hitbox manipulation or players still able to leave certain maps) for the 360 version of TF2 simply does not compare to MNC.

    I've no doubt there are other reasons, but these seem like enough at the moment anyways.
  6. PinkPwnageFrenzy

    PinkPwnageFrenzy New Member

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    I don't think MNC would have that problem, it started on the 360 instead of getting a pretty sloppy port. And yeah, as Ekanaut said, it takes a lot more effort to update a console game, not just on the 360. And that's because there's a pretty lengthy process of making the patch, getting it verified, and getting it applied (sounds easy, but there's a bunch of smaller steps involved). Really, Uber would only be involved in the first part, after that it's all the console creator's duty to try and get it up and running. From what I've heard, it also cost quite a bit.
  7. Badding

    Badding New Member

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    There are not that many people left on the xbox anyway probably less than 5000 active players if even that. If they don't screw up the PC version too badly it just might be successful. User made content, better patch support, dedicated servers, probably engine more suited for the PC.

    I haven't seen the spec requirement for it, I'd imagine it needs really good PC, but at least you can tone down the graphics. The game doesn't even run properly on xbox360!
  8. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    This here made my day. It's good to see that the 360 MNc wont be abandoned like Valve did the orange box. I kinda figured the PC is easier to release content for, but all I'm looking for are small updates and mabye dlc for both. instead of one being dominant.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I'd rather wait 6 months for one big update then waiting 3 months for 1/4 of that big update.

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