I wonder how they're going to treat the juice.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Manouso, October 25, 2010.

  1. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    - How long is the cooldown?

    - Will there be a personal timer somewhere to let you know when times up?
    (onscreen bad / on top of the juice station good)

    - Will the cooldown still be in effect during overtime?
    (nothing more annoying buying juice and getting knocked off the edge by a Jackbot lol)
  2. wienermcpeters

    wienermcpeters New Member

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    i think juice should be treated like the annihilator. from the cool down time, to the way the cool down is visible from across the map. this may be a little harder since there are walls and stuff blocking the signs, but if there was just a floating icon above the juice ads, then you could see the cooldown through the glass on those maps that have barriers, all but grenade 3.

    agreed with the no juice timer for overtime, however the benefits should only pertain to pros ,turrets, and bots. i think damage to the money ball should always be kept the same. too many juice rushes still. i dunno if i'm just that unlucky guy who gets paired up against all the rushers but its annoying late game to see half the other team buy juice all at once and then communicate that we have to kill them only to be juiced as soon as you engage. then after everyone on your team dies, it takes the three juiced gunners and a support less than three seconds to own the game. i think if anything should be impervious to juice its the moneyball. again, i know this has gotten better post patch but it happens.
  3. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    What makes you think they are going to treat it any differently?
  4. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Look at the very top thread about the Halloween unmasking. Game balances incoming!
  5. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    I just posed a few questions I had, I don't personally mind having it affect overtime.
    It would be interesting to have to hold off buying juice because OT is around the corner.

    It might be annoying, but it might not.
    The answers to the questions might be the determining factors.
    We'll see soon enough I guess.
  6. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Ah, actually didn't catch that, my mistake.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    What do you expect people to do? The moneyball is down and there are two minutes left. I mean during regulation when the moneyball drops most people buy juice and kamikaze to the moneyball just to do damage. The problem used to be that players would turtle the whole regulation play just to have money to "juice rush" the MB. You don't really see much of that anymore.

    Man is that annoying. For some reason it always happens when I have enough cash for one juice. Talk about rage. lol
  8. jkarr

    jkarr New Member

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    You think that is bad, I had enough for one Juice on Grenade 3 and I bought it and was leaving the pad via the deep launch pad that sends you right outside the enemy base. The only problem was me buying the pad didnt take and I walked right off the freaking edge.
  9. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Grenade 111 is where most of my juices go sour.
    Most classes have to take a lane where jackbots are so the chances that you'll get caught in a pound increases exponentially.
    I've taken a dive at the jump pads as well its infuriating. The whole way down you think: But I bought it... I've learned to buy them before juice now.
    My fav is buying juice an an assasssin and smoke jumping up to the middle of their base only to not have it jump fully and go off the edge.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That's why I use the middle jump pads. No need to buy those and you don't take fall damage.

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