I wish people would listen more

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by NeoCyberman, May 19, 2011.

  1. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Its not that my messages are too long. I just say "(Playername) could you help me push?" or "Gunner can you take out the turrets?".

    I think maybe the chatbox is not that noticeable.
  2. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    I believe it was in my very first post that I mentioned this problem.
    Chat messages should never disappear during the game.
    Only become half-transparent.

    Maybe this is the reason half of the people never reply or react to anything you say.
    The anti-aliasing bug that cause chat not to appear at all. People with low-end machines prefer to enable anti-aliasing instead of see people chat.

    L. Spiro
  3. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Sometimes, it's not about whether the player can see the message or not.

    You can tell a Gunner to take down a tower, but just because you said it doesn't mean the chap's going to have a clear path magically opened in front of him which allows him to waddle all over the way to said turret without interruption. It's the same when people tell people to buy turrets when there's just not enough cash in their pockets.
  4. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    When I post this, I am envisioning in my head all the people who I told to do something as simple as heal me, I am right next to you, but did nothing.
    Nothing blocked them. I was right next to them. They could just turn a bit and heal, but NO.

    Nothing. No reply, no result, nothing.

    I shoot them. They turn to me.
    I then type, "Heal me."
    They do nothing and walk away.

    It is clear they cant see chat text. This bug is doing more damage than we might have thought.

    L. Spiro
  5. ars0n1st

    ars0n1st Member

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    The problem is you are trying to get people to do what they should. Since people are asshats they take any suggestion as a personal attack on them and do the exact opposite just to spite you. Sometimes they even go out of the way to respond in the stfu nerd, no lifer, etc fashion to make themselves feel superior. The worse the person is the more out of their way they will go to ignore and do the opposite of what you ask.

    You also have to realise even though MNC is supposed to be a team game 95% of the players only do things that directly help them. Some go as far here to get you killed or refuse to help you so they can then take the kills for themselves.

    Either do everything yourself or just don't expect it to get done. If you see a teammate attacking turrets or players help them but don't expect the courtesy to be returned.
  6. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    if you really get into the game you can easily miss the chat messages, i regularly miss people talking to me. they should add a small sound for every chat message that is made. just to get the attention of the players
  7. BillNyeTheScienceGuy

    BillNyeTheScienceGuy New Member

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    Yeah I have the same thing happen to me all the time. I play on a 23" wide screen monitor and typically the chat box is so far away from the center of the screen I never notice it. To be fair I have this problem with other shooters on PC like BFBC2.

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