I thought id take a break till the dlc but..

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by heavensnight, November 24, 2010.

  1. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    This game even with these few "slightly broken" maps still beckons me back from its overall greatness. I picked up borderlands GOTY edition to hold me over till the dlc came out but even though borderlands the kickass game IT is couldn't hold me , i came back to MNC after a week in borderlands... didn't even check out the extra dlc that came with the copy.

    Monday Night Combat is potentially the most LAN/online tournament worthy "console game" to date. I just love your game Uber and wish your team the best of luck in making this game grow.

    I think i met the biggest troll in the game last night too , I joined up a game that had just ended on this guy Deadeye was running his mouth to random people like some drunken fool , later in the match dumbass jumps as a gunner on annihilator while i am a tank current on the pad and he eventually falls down the noob pit , starts trolling me for his retardation for the next 3 matches haha. Luckily i had headset off only had deal with his cries through my speakers..
  2. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    I know exactly who you're talking about. i hadn't played for a good long while (Against my will, my live ran out >_<) and i got a month of live and he was in the first game i played after i regained Live and he was acting like he was the greatest thing to hit Earth since Oxygen, Never mind the fact that he was playing as a GUNNER, he was acting like it took all the skill in the world :roll:
  3. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    You've made 60-odd posts but not come across DeadEye? He has reputation for being a braggart, but I've never played against him.

    I agree - if the split-screen issues are sorted out, this would be an excellent LAN game, surpassed only by Halo. Haters can hate, but there is nothing better than CTF on Last Resort for ruining friendships.
  4. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Count yourself lucky. I played about 3 games against him the other night. He lost every single one, but blamed it on his team. He never went for bot/turret kills, only pros. He was always talking about how he should have actually tried when he went like 24-6 or something. Talked a LOT of smack.
  5. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    keep in mind halo has been around for over 9 years , that said MNC is off to a excellent start.
  6. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Oh, I think MNC has huge potential, and I don't expect to compare a AAA title with a huge budget and Microsoft support to an indie developer's first game.

    I kinda want to play with him and drunkenfeedle now. I love playing with angry people.
  7. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    I can't wait to see how they expand the game for MNC 2. I can't think of how they could do so without just adding more bots, turrets and maps. The game is pretty well balanced as is and character customization could really screw that up.
    In other news, I have also never seen Deadeye on MNC.
  8. mikl

    mikl New Member

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    I once played against him. He stood at my base the whole time spawn killing the newer players and i sneaked behind him and gabbled him to death. He just kept swearing at me until he rage quit because he lost.
  9. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Lmao, that's him!
  10. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    I remember muting him because for 2 games in a row he bitched out his team for losing, even when the teams had switched. I laughed at him and he got SUPER DUPER mad.
  11. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    He randomly friend requested me the other day. Haven't played with him since he sent it.
  12. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Word on the street is he got forum banned, but re-registered under the name "Better Than You". But this has gone hugely off-topic.

    If the DLC isn't out next week...I'll be thankful. My finals are coming up!
  13. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    You hush your mouth! Don't say things like that! :evil:
  14. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    haha F that i wanted it yesterday. but if not i have all the bonus content from my borderlandsGOTY to check out still...funny thing, im tank 4life in MNC and i think im going to be tank 4life in borderlands too : )

    what i love most about MNC's tank is that he is like a Unreal Championship juggy with Quakes railgun .. cannot get better than this.
  15. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Same, i took a good 2 month break until last night aswell, the game is still -so- much fun but sadly i got in a few laggy games again and mixed with Mickey Cantor's terrorism i couldn't believe it when we again dashboarded to load another game.

    Definetly going for the 99 again in the DLC with the Prestige mode though, just hope the DLC comes with a volume slider to make it more bearable.

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