I still do not get it.....

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by craaaiig, August 20, 2010.

  1. craaaiig

    craaaiig New Member

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    First of all this game is awesome. There isnt much i would want to have changed.

    I play as a tank and i love it!
    The only thing that has been bugging me is being able to grapple me in the middle of a charge.

    Last night i was playing and had all my skills maxed out. My charge is supposed to do damage and a knock back. About 85% of my charges tho were doing nothing because as soon as I got close enough to the person i was charging they would grapple me like nothing stopping all damage and my knock back.

    Anyone else seen this happening?
  2. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    This has happened to me as Assault too.

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