I spawning buzzers worth it?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by NeoCyberman, March 8, 2011.

  1. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I have to say if I hear the sound of buzzers coming a usually keep walking. I never have to pay them any mind as I dont get hit.

    As an assault would mass spawning buzzers be worth it to keep pressure on the other team?
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    No, they are loud, you can see them from miles away and they die like flies (which they are).

    Only works against spastics without ears and eyes.
  3. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Meh, there all right.

    Basically, if the two teams are really even, and the fighting is frantic, than yes, they can be worth it. The only real time they are a threat is when you force a pro to fire at them instead of the guy hes fighting. If he does the pro kills him, if he doesnt the buzzers do. Its loose / loose in that situation.

    If things are spread out, or back and forth, its not really worth it.

    Same could be said for any bot spawn really.
  4. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    The only time I ever buy Buzzers are if enemies are right in your base. Otherwise they just die and you end up wasting money.
  5. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    I find it's useful if everyone's focusing thier attention on, say a Juiced assassin or a Jackbot.

    Players then have to choose to continue doing whatever they were doing, or shoot the buzzers.
  6. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I see.

    This reminds me a match on Lazer Razor where I was playing support and the other team had a support. Now i was trying to get control of the center as quick as possible. Another support had done this already. Because I could not airstrike his turret** I couldn't stop him. My turret racked up enough cash so I headed to my base and spawned two gapshots that killed 2 turret and I spawned two more with the resulting money. Pretty soon I lead a veritable parade upon his base. It was glorious.

    (though I tried and an assault overhead that was at the wrong place at the wrong time got killed in the process... classic :lol:)
  7. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    I got an uber streak by spawning buzzers for an entire game. Every kill I taunted and during spawn cooldown I launchered bots, think I rung out an assassin a couple times.
    It was against 2 supports too, not sure WTF their firebases were doing.

    In general they are bad, but can be a massive pain to someone already in a fight or who has their attention elsewhere.

    I will withhold name out of respect, but there was a pretty good player trying to take control of myejector bridge on spunky by bomb jumping to it, I would spawn buzzers and shoot at him, pretty sure I got like a 7 kill streak off of him.
    The real benefit of buzzers is that there are no safe zones from them. Every other bot you can avoid by being on high ground or low under something in the case of gapshots.
  8. corducken

    corducken Member

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    Buzzers do a couple things. They seek out people and harass them when other bots cannot, and on death they give a pitiful amount of cash. They're also loud as hell.

    This serves a purpose.

    1. When there's a bunch of buzzers flying around, it becomes extremely difficult to hear cloaked assassins (double edged sword if the enemy team has a lot of assassins)
    2. The sounds of battle tend to get drowned out by them, making it more difficult to hear other pros running around
    3. They take the focus off of pros and deal a moderate amount of damage if they aren't dealt with, making them a somewhat useful for getting people off your back if you've got pros in the upper decks you need to take care of

    They do deserve to be a bit faster because they're stupidly easy to outpace even while backpedaling, and it'd be great if they weren't as loud for the team that spawned them.

    Spawning just a wave or two won't do much, like any spawned bot. Spawning a bajilion of them can cause problems, though. Like gap shots, they're ineffective unless there's a lot invested into them. Once there's 20-30 of them flying around in the air, combined with a heavy push by teammates, it becomes difficult to both destroy the masses of buzzers and keep ordinary bots and pros in check.

    In fact, they're best if you spam 'em directly after gap shots, since there will be less turrets to destroy them. Rock Its aren't too effective against them, but if they connect the splash damage will knock out a whole cluster. It gets pretty ridiculous after a while. Remember, you only need to distract pros enough for the bots to take out the shields.

    Also, in the event that there aren't any pros on the field, or in the event pros huddle by their moneyball to defend it, buzzers do a pretty ridiculous amount of damage to a moneyball. In fact, that's what'll do people in during blitz sometimes. Their splash damage nicks the moneyball and will do about 3% of the moneyball health PER buzzer.
  9. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    For $100, not worth it. They can be easily avoided and they'll get shot out by firebases and other turrets.

    Gapshots are more useful on maps where they've built extra turrets, and bouncers are better at the "annoy them" role, as are gremlins.
  10. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    How to make Buzzers truly effective.


    That is all.

    EDIT: Interesting idea, why not change buzzers into Buzzlings? A small pack of buzzers clouded together that sweep out for enemies like regular buzzers, but has a life bar and take more hits as a whole robot instead of an individual buzzer.
  11. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    If you have stupid amounts of money, you're on a map where they can be effective, and you'll escort them around, then they can net you even 2 kills from one spawn. I can usually get one each time.
    Is the $25 worth the 100?
    Usually not, but, they're not completely useless.

    They're not like other spawns where you can just spawn and forget them, Buzzers are good for setting up kills, so you need to follow them up.

    This is in pubs btw, so, might just be a low-level player weakness.
  12. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    Meh, not really worth it IMO. In fact, enemy tanks can just deploy and gain free juice from them. :? If they were faster and had better pathfinding and maybe did a bit more damage/come in larger packs, they might be worth it.
  13. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    Totally worth it. 100 bucks is a bot wave cleared, and Buzzers do a great job of forcing enemy players back. If they're focusing on something else in a particularly loud engagement they'll miss the Buzzers entirely, but if they see them they'll be forced to engage them while retreating and you can capitalize on this opportunity to attack them while they're distracted.

    Easily worth 100. I love spamming Buzzers and ONLY killing bots in games where I have a lot of noobs on my team. I keep the lanes pushed and I keep the enemy pros on their toes.
  14. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    Don't forget that not only are you paying $100 for bots that likely will accomplish nothing, but if the enemy shoots them down, you are paying to give them money.

    Bot spawning is pretty much a joke unless you're a support or the other team is real dumb and doesn't grapple bouncers.

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