i was a kickstarter backer but never got titans for free. I have the sound track for pa from the kick starter to.
Do you have the uberlauncher? Start it. Let it patch. Click verify to verify it really is finished. Start the game. That should do it.
Do you use another account? Says you are a member since April 2014 so I'm guessing if you kick started it is on the other account.
Unfortunately, it looks like you purchased the game from the Uber store rather than on Kickstarter. This means that you can't buy the game for free; you must instead purchase it at $13.60. Sorry if this isn't the answer you wanted.
no don't have Kickstarter badge. But I have the beta participant one witch I got into the beta access a couple of months after I brought the game
I got the soundtrack. I paid after kickstarter in February. Think it was called the $90 cosmic edition. I didn't get the game for free but it is well worth it if you liked the original game.
I never got the Kick-starter badge,.. I was suppose to...I have the alpha and Beta badge..But my mates bought the game same time i did. and the got it .. did Uber make a logistical error? I mean I had the delta commander for a little while then it was gone. I request to be given what was promised . I meadni bought 2 packages at 90.00 bucks each.. Way before the alpha was ever ever released sooo..I believe someone goof.. By the way Paypal can validate my claim..
Ok to clarify the 'should I have a free copy or not' question. Uber have stated *anyone who purchased* during the kickstarter campaign (even if via another method like PayPal) gets Titans for free. Everyone after that date doesn't. So, if you purchased PA either through kickstarter or via PayPal before it ended on the 14th of September 2012, then you should get a free copy and if you haven't gotten one you need to email support@uberent.com If you purchased your copy through the Uber store *after* 14th September 2012, then you won't get a free copy, but you can still get Titans at the reduced prices of £10 / $13.60. At least that's how I understand it. Maybe @mkrater can chime in on this?
It looks like you pre-ordered the game the Uber Store, not as a Kickstarter pledge. The pre-order for the Combat Edition included a copy of the soundtrack as one of the rewards.
so do I don't get titans for free even though I brought the game during kickstarter just because I brought the game through your site.
I'm really sorry about the confusion, but you didn't buy it during the Kickstarter. From the Kickstarter page: Funding period Aug 15 2012 - Sep 14 2012 (30 days) (source) According to your screen shot, you bought it March 2013, so half a year later after PA was successfully funded through the Kickstarter campaign. So you bought it before the alpha phase, but after the Kickstarter.