I have bought this current laptop, and has been performing great with the exception of it's wireless card. Randomly, especially when I play games, the wireless card completely drops connection with the wireless router. This has irked me for awhile and the most recent match I was doing real well and got cut off has really pissed me off. :evil: :evil: :evil: The wireless card is a Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6250 AGN. I have researched this issue and have found Absolutely nothing that matches my same problem, nor did the recent driver update solve issues. I have tried to swap out the card from my old laptop, but the fail deformed screwdriver only succeeded in stripping the screws, so that's no longer an option. *edit* I will also confirm this is not an issue with my wireless router as there are 2 computers that use it, and the connection only drops for my laptop. Further, the network was dropped using my college's wireless, eliminating possibility of a router issue. Dam, so far, internet gaming has not really worked out that well for me.
You might want to check the power settings for the network card in the device manager. Make sure it is set to "max power" or "max performance" can't remember off the top of my head what it says. Good luck!
Laptop bad. Laptop isn't made for MNC. Anywho, could be wireless signal congestion. Between your computers and possible nearby wireless signals, could this be possible in your area? Or do you experience no matter where the laptop is?
Have done this already. No change in results. Also, I experience this issue at any wireless network. Furthermore, when I play, I am in the same room as the router, so signal strength isn't an issue. Turned off all power saving features, etc.
A temp fix is to use a wired connection if that is possible. Just throwing that out. EDIT: does the event viewer say: "The TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service was successfully sent a stop control"
Yes, did I miss a setting. I went into adapter properties over a month ago and unchecked "turn off this device to save power", or something similar. So why is it sending a stop command?
It is a common thing. Want to look for yourself then here it is. Anywho, what I am reading is that you might want to make double sure about your driver update, that it installed properly and all. Helps to back up the old one but delete it before installing the new one. After that, which there is a likely chance it ISN'T fixed, then it could still be a lot of things. Unchecking "disable device to save power" and making sure it's unchecked was one solution. There are other causes for the problem, looks like a lot. _______________________________________________________________________ AMMENDUM: Go into Services (in Administrator Tools) and set Computer Browser to Disabled (you have to stop it first.) Then, this idiotic vestige of Microsoft blunders past wont try and force elections to make itself the Master Browser, and thus wont knock itself off of the wireless network. The only downside to this solution is if your network design sucks enough, or if you have old Windows XP computers sharing files and folders on your home network, you might not be able to connect to those computers by name. from: http://besthubris.com/computers-interne ... s-7-error/ This is the other most common fix. As I read on, I just think you should skip to this. Your situation matches it 99.99999% now. Your other computers run something pre-7 right? It is most likely then, that your computer is conflicting browser host with them, and it's causing your computer to disconnect and reconnect often to try and gain it.
Thanks for this, Bio. I thought it was a problem with the wireless card or driver, but I haven't thought it might be Windows itself. I wish all games would be remade for Linux. Off topic: In case you were curious, this laptop isn't a cheapo with integrated graphics, rather, an entry level graphics card. I get 50-60 fps in heavy combat with mostly low settings and textures to Medium. Still looks decent on a smaller screen. I just need a new mouse now.
Laptops don't have all the pariphieral feeling to it. Giant desktops feel like the actually have arms and legs, the reach of everything definitely makes me play better. I have to use a gamepad and set the laptop far away from me before I could play on it well. I like wires :lol: Wonder what the world would have been like if Nikolai Tesla would have been able to perfect wireless energy transfer technology. Anywho, yeah it's a common thing and I am glad I could help you out (or rather, I am glad google could help me help you )
...and somehow I seem to manage with the built in keyboard and a 2-inch long cheapo wireless mouse. *remembers commentator talking about upgrading*
:!: The problem has recurred, this time without a browser sending a stop command. Checking the event logs, it said it was a DNS error. This only seems to occur when I play online games, however.
Occurred yet again soon after I started a game at roughly 6:52 PST. *edit* I have yet to find a surefire solution. I wonder if there even is one, short of ditching Win 7. No one else seems to have any ideas judging by lack of posts.
I can help... Maybe... Later... No offence but I have to work in 6 hours, so I have 5 hours to sleep, and time starts... NOW!
It's most likely a IP problem, either the router or the computer is incorrectly assigning one. You will get a connection, but it won't hold. Want to know the irony? Both of these problems I have been having too, and I have simply blown them off. Only affects 1 out of 5 games for me. Anywho, might want to try setting up a static ip, and making sure that ip is within the router's range. Usually, to access a router, you enter "" into the url bar. Then, you simply look around and find the range that the router accepts (and an ip that another computer isn't already using). For netgear, I would go in and see that it accepts anything between and, and 43 and 45 are already used, so I would use anything else. Here is a page to help with obtaining a static ip: http://portforward.com/networking/static-win7.htm
Glad to know I'm not alone here. Still upsetting when I get DCd when I'm in a game with some friends, and I'm doing well.