I love when...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Enigma5081, October 26, 2010.

  1. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    This thread will be about things that you see your team doing and not doing or even a moment that makes you think oh i just love when that happens. (Note this is a humurious thread so no bashing of specific people please unless its in a sarcastic fasion that is really a compliment :p)

    So to start it things off, I love it when i have 3 supports on my team and they can't air strike a single firebase
  2. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I love it when an Assassin on my team thinks it's a good idea to sprint towards the nearest Gunner while cloaked and attempt to poke their eye out. Repeat ad nauseum until our moneyball is in shambles and our turrets are piles of ash before they leave the game.
  3. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    I love when people spam taunts in their spawn after their money ball is dropped

    I love setting fire bases up in my spawn (you never know)

    I love shooting my teammates when they have low health and are trying to find a hiding spot

    I love trying to shove blackjacks in obscure places like in the underground tunnel on ammo mule

    I love attaching bombs onto people and taunting before detonating

    I love when people chase me with low health back to my spawn (it makes me giggle)

    I love getting stunned multiple times in OT by jackbots

    I love letting people drain my health before I juice and kill them

    I love when people spawn buzzers and lag my game
  4. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Are you an angry person Peachy?

    I love when I kill one person ten times in a row, and then they kill me once and somehow think they "got me".

    I love when I get spawn camped by Im Hudson and friends.

    I love getting Bolt with the "bitch slaps".
  5. stonebu

    stonebu New Member

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    i love doing my ocd spawn taunts and seeing 3 others following my lead:)

    complete nonsense!

    i love face grappling a tank, watching him forget to blossom and getting slashed to death.

    i LOVE when a sniper comes to grapple me freeze trap style and i grapple him instead:)
  6. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    No..I thought the point of the thread was to be somewhat sarcastic
  7. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    Yes it is so your right on track :)
  8. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I love when hudson takes the jump pad right before me and causes me to fall to my doom on grenade3

    I love getting face grabbed, and then watching an awesome backstab animation before my respawn.

    I love lunging into an assassin at the same time, only to slide off and fly across the entire map at warp speed and get rung out while she gets knocked back 2 feet :roll:

    I also Love being the only person on a team (pubs) who is capable of killing a firebase
  9. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    I love charging someone as a tank only for it to avoid a ring out 2 feet beyond them.
    I love charging someone as a tank only for it to knock them clear out of my range so they have time to finish me off before I can reacquire.
  10. Bulletr0k

    Bulletr0k New Member

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    I love charging someone and having my charge cancelled by their puny grapple.
    I love when I fly solo and my team never leaves the base on Steel Peel, locking us in on minute 1.
    I love when my team is 4 assassins who don't clear bots, kill turrets, just facestab people in parties of two.
    I love it when I'm in mid-air (or mid jump pad) and I get backstabbed
  11. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I love facestab battles where my opponent doesn't have armor.
    I love my S-launcher not allowing me to switch weapons until I finish it's reload, getting me killed.
    I love being the only person on my team killing bots in BOTH lanes.
    I love being destroyed by tanks that run faster than me after escaping the spawn deathcamp (You know who you are!).
    I love odd physics bounces that result in suicide from product bombs.
  12. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Wait, how can you all like this stuff?
    Ooohhhh I see what you did there, it's funny cause it's not true!

    These ring true for me so many times ^^^
  13. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I love people that blatantly steal ringouts/grapple kills
    I love assassins that hide in a corner in your base and come out to get a single spawn kill
    I love narrowly escaping death only to take a jump pad and die from the tiny fall damage
  14. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    I love casually killing bots when i happen across an enemy boltaktion, switch to my s. launcher, and backslap him
  15. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    I love when I play a team of 6 and beat them, and then listen to them complain about it in post game lobby.
  16. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    I love getting crushed by the enemy team with only 99's
    while my teammates only level 10-30.

    I love when the enemy assasins try to face grapple me,
    only to get squished by a tank charge.

    I love even matches.

    I love people who thinks it's good to build long shots beside the moneyball.

    I love supporters who actually gives a **** about their teammates lifes.

    I love assasins stealing bacon.*FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU!!!!!*

    Btw,I've only played pubs all the time,would like to play priv against
    you guys sometime. :)
  17. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    I love people thaat uprade there assualt grapple to level three

    I love people that upgrade there ice traps to level 3

    I love people that see other people from the fourms get a hard on and randy rush them to poke them with it over and over again.

    I love when my class dosn't win, so obviously everyone else's classes should get a nerf.

    I love gunners that deploy in front of snipers.

    I love the steel peel arean jump pad ( you know the one) :shock:

    I love sticking ppl withe the bomb only to have them jump off the map in an attempt to not let me get the kill, as i feel like Knives from trigun forcing people to kill themselfs.

    I love saying WOW!
  18. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I love teammates that build Level 1/2 Lazer Blazers and leave them.

    I love people that run in and buy the Level 3 turrent upgrade as I'm hacking/healing it.

    I love seeing an Assassin trying to give me a front-hug, only to somehow end up with their knife in my back.

    I love Steel Peel.

    I love getting rung-out by (Jackbot slams / Gunner Slams / Ejectors) after jumping. ESPECIALLY when Juiced.

    I love Assassins that grapple. FOR EVERY KILL.

    I love dying while activating Juice.

    I love Juiced Assassins taking down all 6 of my turrents with the endless HP glitch.

    When reading all of these in my head, Francis (from L4D) comes to mind. :lol:
  19. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    I love when you hit deploy by accident as a tank.
  20. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I'll add: trying to cloak.

    Sometimes swapping back and forth from class to class every other game is a bad thing! :lol:

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