How fun the game is already just makes me hopeful for the future as they add in most of the features that will make this game more than just TA on a sphere! And I'm not knocking the current game basically being TA on a sphere... the fact that you have to watch 360 degrees or 2Pi radians adds so much to the game. The picking a place to land mechanic is awesome and really can determine who will win or lose in a game. People don't pay close enough attention to that because they don't realize how much different it is to play an RTS on a sphere over a plane! It is really fun rolling in on the other side of a players super wall to just find their ENTIRE ECO SITTING THERE! But there are still so many more awesome features to come! This game makes me feel warm and happy inside. Or is that just how I feel when my army literally walks through my opponents bases leaving only destruction in their wake?
Yup, me too. This game is in alpha stage and the gameplay is already amazing. Watching the whole planet is amazing. Just the other day I was playing for almost three hours. I just couldn't find the enemy commander. AMAZING! I'm so excited
It makes me facedesk whenever it lags and/or freezes, but I adore this game. It feels like a good game already, and it just makes me squee in delight knowing that there are more things coming and its only going to get better.
Has anyone else had their games commentated on yet? Some players are removing themselves from the game so they can commentate and it's really cool to have one of your games commentated on. It's a lot of fun seeing what your opponents were doing
I've started casting games, first livecast of many is out tomorrow. Any competent players who want me to cast a game just hit me up.
You're doing a good job there, I felt special when I saw the one with me on it. So whilst you didn't cast it. It's really a nice thing you and your compatriots are doing
True I've noticed a lot of people's initial start build is 2 Mex and 2 Power, 1 Factory which seems economical but I find the optimal build is 3 Mex and 1 power then factory followed by power to keep the economy optimal.
Do you prefer air/ground/bot/naval as a starting point? I like naval but for me naval you need to know if it's a worthwhile investment so unless you know your enemy is nearby and bombardable with water it's something you should invest in later. Air is a bit stupid except for scouting and someone did a huge graph of cost effectiveness of which fabbers are best. They might now be changed but the vehicle fabber was the most cost effective I believe. Plus bot fabbers you can lose sight of so easily in game which makes them difficult