I LIED! Pitgirl's nemesis returns! Rev's Spunky Assassin!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Rev Rabies, December 27, 2010.

  1. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Over the months of playing this game, i fell in love with a beautiful woman, the assassin. I'm here to hopefully infect you all with her beauty and grace :D.

    First, a tad bit about myself and this game, i've been called many things, "the best assassin" "amazing" "my favorite assassin" "melee king" "No-Good hacking speed glitching little B****"(dbowill) "Complete trash" and "sexy", but, except for a few of those, it's all wrong, anyone can be good with the assassin if they know what they're doing.


    Fast, agile, graceful, silent, fatal. The assassin is a very complex class and has a very high learning curve, if you're looking for high K/D, leave. Contrary to her name, you will be doing little killing. She has the ability to get to any spot on the map with easy, down most pros with one hit, juice very fast, tear bots and turrents apart, and garauntee herself crits.

    The assassin's main weapon, untill Pssive 3 she holds a little dagger, it's strength is about as much as a slap from justin beiber, but is very effective against bots, and it's alternate fire (grapple) will kill unarmored sins/snipers one hit from the front, and unarmored anything, and any assassin/sniper/(support?) from behind. Her katana is much more effective though, VERY effective against bots/turrets, decent damage to pros, it's back grapple will kill most pros, unless heavily armored, from the back, and most clases with no armor from the front.

    The Shuriken Launcher is a tiny little corsage the assassin wears on her left wrist, it fires a wave of highly accurate, strong, sharookans, that can bounce off of walls. These bad boys RIP through turrets, gunners, and tanks, a deployed tank/gunner is an almost garaunteed kill with this, it hurts every other pro decently, but the big boys seem to take much more damage from them. The front grapple makes her jump up for a hug, and smack the piss outta the pro, most pros nowadays will fall to this, but if they don't, do not fear! since you're target will be right infront of you post hug, hold the right trigger right as it's ending and your full clip may just finish them off :D, the back grapple is either the kinky mount and slap or the knee of justice, the mount and slapp is fatal, whereas the knee won't do as much, only gunners and tanks will recieve the knee. At lolcloke3, firing sharookans to break cloke will cause most of the clip to be crits.

    The Boot!
    Right stick (or b for tactical) Is your melee attack, it does decent damage while juiced, justin beiber slap otherwise. It does double it's normal damage from behind

    Smoke Bomb
    The key to a good assassin is the ability to control your opponents and/or escape, the smoke bomb is the tool for the job, each point in smoke increases the blind radius and how long your targets will be blinded by your sheer beauty, a jump right after the animation will cause you to jump super high (about 60 percent of the time) IT can blind pros for a good ammount of time, allowing you to escape or get a quick kill, it stuns turrets/bots, which can be very helpful.

    THE most important skill of the assassin, is assassin, lvl 2 will give you a bigger sharookan clip, and less fall damage, lvl 3 takes you from 25% efficiency to 100% by giving you your sword and removing all fall damage.

    Highly versatile, dash lets the assassin, dash, cons to dash are you can't attack (except via lunging) mid dash, even if you jump, and you kick updust which makes you highly visible. Dash lets you jump farther, and each point in dash increases it's duration.

    Cloke is very important, as it allows you to be sneaky and avoid attacks (because they can't see you) YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE! your cloke hums, loudly, to your enemy, anyone with a halfway decent tv can hear you, some people have surround sound or a good headset and can hear where you are, that and the closer you are, the more visible. At lvl 1 bots and turrets can see you, the cooldown is trash, and the duration is horrid. Lvl 2 grants more duration, you cloke faster, and bots and turrets can't see you. Lvl 3 is amazing, you cloke instantly, the duration is long, if you stand still you not only remain cloked but you will recharge your skill. Also the whole crit thing mentioned above.

    With the blade equipped, pressing the reload button will make her lunge forward, stopping at the first enemy bot/turret/pro she hits and slashing, this does a decent ammount of damage, and is a big opening move into a grapple, or any form of attack, also it closes the gap if you're chasing someone, and can be used as an escape. Lunge also does one more neat thing, the "lunge Jump" if you will, similar to the tank jump, it allows you to cover a large distance, simply lunge off of high ground to low ground.


    Gold Armor or RoF is a must, whatever one you make gold, the other must be silver, unless your syd, who runs no RoF. This makes up for your squishyness and weakness. Bronze is up to you. Good choices are skill recov, health regen (best choice), and speed.

    Okay, all that dumb intro stuff is over with, awesome! Now on to the good stuff, actual gameplay and whatnot. David Sirlin suggests each team only have 1-2 assassins, so decide with your team who's gonna be who. When you spawn, push up on your d-pad to upgrade them skill! Yes, i meant skill, because your game plan will be like this:
    PAssive(as soon as you get 400$)

    With that, the assassin is fine and dandy, upgrade skills as you wish after that, i tend to go for cloke 3 next, then dash and bomb 2.

    Okay, you got passive 2, sweet, Now for your job, some pros are slayers, some pros are supporters, some classes, here's your part, complete objectives. Your priority list is as follows:


    She Kills bots so effing fast it isn't funny, a lunge with the katana will wipe out a whole Blackjack/2slim group, her blade cuts down bots so fast (barring the bouncer and Jackbot) A grapple is good against bouncers, and in rare occaisions the jackbot.

    Turrets are so easy to kill with her, simply give it a little smooch with your bomb and swipe away, with gold armor you can take our most turrets and live, but make sure to do it in safety. A firebase should be taken out with a bomb followed by sharookans.

    With the smoke bomb and super fast money gain, the hazards are not only your job, but a very good weapon, you can smoke bomb to any ejector/anhilator button (lunge to anhi on grenade III) and hit it with ease, and with cloke you can even camp at them.

    The sharookans do amazing damage to the moneyball, especially with cloke3 (DONT SLASH IT) slashing the ball makes you highly vulnerable. The assassin, has the amazing ability of giving the balls a little tickle, keeping them down for longer.

    Pros are your least important objective, unless they are being particularly annoying.

    "you can pick your fights with the assassin, don't pick a fair fight" - BoltAktion

    Wise advice, try to take out distracted or weakened players, or lure them to a stronger pro, or a turret.

    Like most rogue/assassin classes, most of her attacks do more from behind, utilize this.

    IF you must take someone out, here's my suggestions by class:

    Assassin(50% chance to win)
    IF you face grab her, hold right trigger and try to slash her down before she grabs you, don't lunge, good assassins will jump out of the way, if she grabs you second, hold right trigger and try to finish her, or leave, lunge grapples and backstabs are fatal.

    Support (70% chance)
    A lunge grapple will do the trick, backstabs are fatal, don't go near him if he has his noodle firing firebase near. The HH (spaghetti) gun is laughable. His shotgun, avoid it, 1-2 shots will kill you.

    Sniper (50% chance)
    Avoid his traps, avoid the flak, his smg is painful, if you both press grapple at the same time, he'll beat you everytime. Lunge grapples, slaps, and backstabs are fatal. If he catches you in a trap, keep hitting the melee to move your head around.

    Gunner(60% chance)
    The #1 rule to taking out a gunner, is if he sees you first, you're screwed, don't let that happen, his slam and grapple are beefy on you, don't let them happen, "butterfly" or hop around and slash him. Lungegrapples are nice, backstabs are usually fatal, lunge backstabs are. Sharookans do a lot to him.

    Assault (15% chance)
    Bomb screws you, charge screws you, AR screws you, avoid unless it's very one sided in your favor, lunge grapples are usually fatal, backstabs with the katana and launcher are.

    Tunk (5% chance)
    Billy mays is not a fan of you, prod grenade, jet gun, death blossoms, charge, rail gun, everything he's got is amazing against you, avoid him unless you can get a good lunge backstab off.

    As you can see, you don't have many good matchups, so let's see how you should handle bots:

    Blackjacks, slims, gremlins, gapshots: Slash em, avoid the blackjack's pawnch.

    Scramblers: slash em, be wary of the brain drain

    Bouncers, bomb and slash or grapple, they're grapple'll do half health to you.

    JACKBOT XL: Butterfly him from behind as to avoid shots and slams. My first guide said not to grab him, your grapple does about half his health, so it's good in a pinch, but you sacrifice elsuivetude and juice. Also grab if he's in range of your base stuff.

    Juiced assassins are either lethal or laughable. Your juice is mainly for wrecking their base, as you can take most turrets in seconds, try not to let your enemy see you with juice, whilst juicing, be wary of slams/grapples/charges, and smoke any highly upgraded/hacked turrets before juicing.

    To get juice use a juice machine, no, not the ones on the map, every character has their own tricks to quick juice, the assassin has a crapload. the sword and dagger have high juice return, meleeing bots has a big return, the sharookans give a decent ammount, and bullseye/jackbots are almost a free juice.

    Now, as illegit as some people might see it, taunting in front of a lazer blazer is a very easy way to get juice, make sure you have a decent cloke though.

    Am i really that predictable?

    I will post map strats hopefully soon, any comments are highly appreciated, i feel like i missed stuff, but get out there and have fun!
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i have found that if you bunny hop while cloaked/dashing, it leaves almost no trail behind.
    worth mentioning?
  3. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    Cloak 3 increases duration and claoking speed? not just add the "stand still" effect?
  4. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Well you just mentioned it. Lololololol.
  5. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Fun fact: Juiced melee does more damage to the moneyball than anything else Assassin can do.
  6. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Some things I'd like to add to your matchups.

    Sniper: Never attempt to make a frontal attack on a Sniper, especially through a lunge. The Sniper can grab you right out of your lunge.

    Tank: If you grab him and don't kill him (possible even with a lunging back grab with a sword if he's high enough in defense), you've got a guessing game in your favor in regards to escape. Typically, a charge or Death Blossom will occur. A Smoke Bomb jump will get you out of either one. If he anticipates this, he can grab you. Of course, if you anticipate even that, then pretty much anything else will be good.
  7. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Yeah, trail's still pretty visible.

    And wallace, a full juice will take down half the ball with sharookans, the melee's too slow to do more dps
  8. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Supports with gold armor and passive 3 will survive those pitiful non-lunge dagger backstabs.
  9. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I'm sure your Assassin is really Spunky.

  10. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    Nice guide. Now if only every new player would read this, instead of just playing as sin and screwing their team over.
  11. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    i'm fine witht he free kills :D

    Honestly though i agree, i've seen some assassins doing my tricks lately, makes me proud :D
  12. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    O_O....Thank you for enlightening me! I will make full use of this.
  13. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Correct, and it gives you 1 second of full crits after leaving cloak

    Nice guide rev
  14. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Yup, in a match this morning i juiced half the enemy ball off, bought juice, and came back and finished the second half off

    And thanks bolt, glad to have your support
  15. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    Your tactic has given me the power to save countless matches from a loss when Overtime rolls around. :3 One time on Grenade III I bought Juice, then hid on their game clock. The Moneyball was at roughly half health and there was two minutes left: I waited for Overtime and ripped the thing to pieces. Probably not a good tactic in a serious game, but since it was a pub and we were well defended I got away with it.
  16. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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  17. Blue Jess

    Blue Jess New Member

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    My first couple of tries as assassin kinda did that.. But I got better, even before I found these forums yesterday. Now i'm learning handy tips like cloak taunting turrets for juicyness :D

    Oh god, the horrors, the horrors... I hate those git's. Especially when there's 5 assaults. On grenade III. Camping the buttons.

    And 60% smokebomb jumps seems abit low, mine are like 95%+ (would be 100% if laggy people didn't get host sometimes :| ). I press B then immediately bash A a few times throughout the animation and fly away.
  18. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    I would say that new players to the assassin class should run Gold Armor. Once they improve, replace it out for RoF. Gold RoF pretty much demolish bots and turrets in a nanosecond (though you would die in a hit).

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