And I just backgrappled CEO Fadon right out of his charge, even though I was facing his front and was in the air because of said charge. Looked like we were levitating. Feels good brah.
I would like to tell you a tale about the last time you grappled me. It was a heated battle for the top of the dome on Ammo Mule. I was playing Tank and dutifully pushing my bots forward in the leftest of lanes. I heard a faint hum and noticed a bit of a dust trail in the distance. I anxiously awaited my first kill of the game, when suddenly I was blinded by a smoke bomb and teleported to to top of a turret nub and back-grappled. It was at that point that I vowed to never send you a friend request. I pledged to hate your guts for the rest of my days.
At least I didn't grapple you off of a jump pad. Or after I got ejected. Yeah, that's happened before, too. Took a poor random pub assassin right off of the map with me. Your case is mild.
Almost as crazy as when you grabbed me high up in the air on the jump pad and killed me with that grapple. Was the first time playing gunner vs you and I couldn't poop on chollo no more.
Or, get a lag switch on your controller $4-$10 worth of parts new, or free depending on how good you are at scavanging old electronics.
I just facegrappled Smauge7 and did the backgrapple animation. It gave me the kill as if it were a backgrapple. I WAS EVEN HOST WHEN THIS HAPPENED. He quit immediately after. #success